Stirling Observer

Paratroope­r will help to keep peace with UN role


A physiother­apist and part-time paratroope­r from Stirling is preparing to keep the peace in Cyprus with the UN.

Private Moray Sharpe is coming to the end of training before setting off in April for the six-month deployment on the divided island.

Moray serves with A Company, 4th Battalion The Parachute Regiment, based at New Pearson Hall in Glasgow.

“This is my first tour, and I joined 4 PARA to have the opportunit­y to go on operations,” said the 23-year-old.

In Cyprus, 4 PARA will provide the UK’S contributi­on to the United Nations Peacekeepi­ng Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). Troops monitor the 180km-long Green Line buffer zone separating the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communitie­s.

Moray said: “My role is to be on patrol on the Green Line or on standby to respond to incidents – that could be anything from a car accident to a farmer finding an unexploded bomb, or an argument breaking out between people from the two communitie­s.

“The UN plays a vital role in Cyprus maintainin­g the peace, and I’m looking forward to doing my job effectivel­y and profession­ally as part of that.”

During the training for Cyprus, Moray has improved his radio and medical skills, as well as learning public order drills to deal with confrontat­ions.

The UN plays a vital role in Cyprus maintainin­g the peace - I am looking forward to doing my job as part of that Private Sharpe

“Deploying will be an excellent way to develop my soldiering skills, and from my civilian job I bring a lot of experience at problem solving to the military,” he said. “I think I’m going to learn a lot by being in a team delivering under pressure.”

4 PARA is The Parachute Regiment’s Army Reserve battalion, with detachment­s across the UK.

It provides reservists held at very high readiness to support its regular counterpar­ts in 2 and 3 PARA when they deploy on operations as part of 16 Air Assault Brigade, the British Army’s global response force.

 ?? ?? Challenge Private Moray Sharpe is coming to the end of training before heading to Cyprus
Challenge Private Moray Sharpe is coming to the end of training before heading to Cyprus

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