Stirling Observer

EX-MP Gordon takes a chance on new album

Roulette features 12 original songs inspired by his life


A former Clacks MP has released a second album of original songs.

Gordon Banks - the Labour MP for Ochil and South Perthshire between 2005 and 2010 - released Roulette this week.

It contains 12 songs in a variety of musical styles. One of them is 35 Men about the mining disaster at Valleyfiel­d Colliery in Fife in 1939 where his grandfathe­r was killed.

Gordon Banks’ first album entitled It Never Made the News was released before his parliament­ary career.

He said: “Everyone who worked on the tracks are excellent musicians who have all added to the finished article and the production work by Michael Brennan is the icing on the cake.

“I hope listeners warm to the album, and I look forward to some live gigs being arranged later in the year.

“The title track Roulette is a love song involving dementia as a source of inspiratio­n, 35 Men is dedicated to The Valleyfiel­d Mining Disaster in 1939, where my grandfathe­r was killed and other songs are inspired by my family and my life and range in style from rock, country and reggae to blues.”

The 68-year-old currently works as a director of a building supplies company in Fife and was Labour’s shadow minister for Scotland between 2013 and 2015 and Shadow Minister for Business Innovation and Skills between 2010 and 2011.

Roulette was produced by Michael Brennan at Substation Recording Studios in Rosyth and features guest appearance­s by The Zephyrs, members of Pork Pie, Carl Williams, Peter Little and Gary Campbell from Empire Music Production­s and Elaine Green, who Gordon has worked with before.

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 ?? ?? New release Former Ochil and South Perthshire MP Gordon Banks has released his second album of original songs entitled Roulette
New release Former Ochil and South Perthshire MP Gordon Banks has released his second album of original songs entitled Roulette
 ?? ?? Second album Roulette was released this week
Second album Roulette was released this week

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