South Wales Evening Post

Paxton Hood Williams

- Lord Mayor

SWANSEA Bay and the prom is one of the busiest destinatio­ns around in the summer. And no wonder. It has got some amazing views, landmarks at each end and plenty of sandy shores and stopping-off places in between.

This weekend it’s the bank holiday and I’m sure, whatever the weather, Swansea Bay and the whole of Swansea will be busy with visitors enjoying time out with friends and family.

Don’t forget Oystermout­h Castle will be throwing open its gates for a Bank Holiday Prince and Princesses Day on August 26 and, of course, the crazy golf, land train and Singelton Park lake pedalos will all be in action.

Starting Friday, it’ll also be the last weekend of the free buses initiative for the summer, so plan your local destinatio­n now.

There are lots of places to go including Cwmdonkin Park celebratin­g its 150th birthday, the Dylan Thomas Centre and Glynn Vivian which are, of course, all free entry.

My destinatio­n tomorrow evening will be Blackpill Lido for this year’s Tri Hard Harriers 5k Swansea Bay race.

It’s a charity event that starts at Blackpill Lido, heads down towards Oystermout­h before a return leg to Blackpill and the winners’ tape. I’ll be there from 7pm.

But I’m told there’ll be a limited number of entries taken on the night from around 5.30pm so if you fancy getting your daps on for an evening out – you can walk the course if you like - do pop along.

Alternativ­ely, like me you could just turn up and cheer the participan­ts on. It promises to be good fun and this year’s charity is Llys Nini, a great local cause.

Before signing off, a word of thanks to deputy lord mayor, Cllr Wendy Fitzgerald, who was kind enough to step in to fulfil civic duties last week in my place while I took a short break.

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