South Wales Evening Post

Rescue acts are paw-fect!

- Kevin Johns Kevin Johns is an entertaine­r, and announcer and chaplain for Swansea City Football Club

ONE of the highlights of my year is judging the Dog of the Year Show at RSPCA Llys Nini. Now I’m no expect on dog breeds other than my love for dogs but this event is not quite Crufts.

The categories that I’m asked to judge are Golden Oldie, Precious Pup, Scrumptiou­s Scruffy, Waggiest Tail, Best lookalike (owner that looks like their dog, and many do!) Gorgeous Girlie, which I sponsored this year, and Handsome Dude, both those titles referring to the dogs rather than their owners!

The final category judged is Llys Nini Rescue Dog of the Year and that’s the one that produces the tears and emotion from the those who are watching.

Rescuing any animal is not always easy.

It can take time and requires a lot of patience as many of those dear animals have known abuse, cruelty and have had lonely experience with their previous owners!

Bill Dean who ran what was known as the Dog’s Home in Singleton Park once told me in an interview the Britain was a nation of animal keepers rather than a nation of animal owners. While I would like to see things in a more positive light the truth is that most rescued dogs come with a story of abuse and neglect.

I speak from experience as we’ve been blessed to have only four dogs and one cat share our home in the 38 years since we’ve been married, three of which were from rescue centres as was Monica the cat!

Our first dog who we bizarrely called Cindy came to us five days after we were married as a fourmonth-old puppy.

We rescued her through the Brynymaen Animal Shelter which is now an RSPCA Rescue centre between Llanwrst and Colwyn Bay where we were living at the time.

Since then we have rescued through Greyhound Rescue Wales and Llys Nini both amazing and compassion­ate groups.

The stories that I heard from the owners and carers of rescue dogs on Sunday were heartbreak­ing but told so much about people that made me think that Bill Dean was only partially right in what he said,

The stories of abuse suggests that we are a nation of animal keepers but the rescuers stand out as a shinning example of animal.

The turn out was further proof that we love our dogs as Llys Nini ran out of parking places for cars, in all years of hosting this event I had never seen such a crowd.

As for the judging... Nightmare! How do you pick a winner in the puppy category and in the Gorgeous Girlie, which I sponsored (it was the only one left) there were over 60 beautiful dogs to judge.

In the Handsome Chappie section there were over 70 entries and a winner who was able to sense if his lovely owner was having a health problem from diabetes.

As for the Llys Nini Rescue Dog of the Year a beautiful dog that has sadly been returned until his wonderful new family had given the time and patience to ensure that he settled in with them.

So if you feel that the time is right to bring a dog into your family get in touch with Llys Nini.

Each rescue dog has a unique personalit­y and a story to tell.

They understand the second chance that they’ve been given and form strong bonds with their adoptive families making them fiercely devoted companions.

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 ?? ?? Kev was asked to judge the Dog of the Year Show at RSPCA Llys Nini.
Kev was asked to judge the Dog of the Year Show at RSPCA Llys Nini.

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