South Wales Evening Post

Date set for new FM as Gething resigns

- RUTH MOSALSKI Political Editor ruth.mosalski@walesonlin­

VAUGHAN Gething has officially resigned as Wales’ First Minister.

Eight days ago he said he was beginning the process of standing down and Welsh Labour would run a contest for the next leader.

The contest was much shorter than the timetable which was decided at a special meeting last Saturday as no-one stood against Eluned Morgan, the current health minister. She was appointed as Welsh Labour leader, unopposed, on Wednesday.

To be elected First Minister there has to be a vote in the Senedd of all members. Speaking at an event after being appointed leader, Mrs Morgan said the timeline was in the hands of Mr Gething. He has now formally written to the King to resign.

He has also asked the Senedd to begin the process of recalling all Senedd members so the vote can take place.

A statement by Mr Gething says: “I have today written to the Llywydd, in accordance with Standing Order 12.3, to request arrangemen­ts are made to recall the Senedd on 6 August to nominate a new First Minister. This is subject to receiving His Majesty the King’s acceptance of my formal offer of resignatio­n.”

Llywydd of the Senedd Elin Jones MS, the Presiding Officer, said: “I received a request from the First Minister to recall the Senedd for Members to nominate the next person to take on the role of First Minister of Wales. I have agreed to the request and I have written to Members of the Senedd to inform them of the recall.”

The vote will take place on Tuesday, August 6 at 11am.

The last time the Senedd was recalled was in September 2022 to pay tribute following the death of Queen Elizabeth II and in 2021 it had met during recess following the death of her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh.

The Senedd was recalled numerous times in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, when it adopted a fully virtual, and then hybrid, model for the first time meaning members could log on remotely.

No MS is obliged to attend, so it is up to them or their party to attend. If members are unable to attend the meeting, they should seek what is known as a “pairing arrangemen­t” where groups make arrangemen­ts for one of their own members to miss the vote to effectivel­y cancel each other out. The nomination is taken by roll call meaning members will be asked one by one to announce their vote orally.

Due to recall taking place during the summer recess, arrangemen­ts are being made to enable MSS to participat­e in the roll call from overseas.

Labour has the most members in the Senedd with 30 seats. While, as they did in March, the opposition parties can put their own leaders forward too, it is a symbolic act given Labour will all vote for Eluned Morgan. It will mean she will be the first female First Minister.

Once the Senedd has chosen a new First Minister, the Llywydd writes to the King recommendi­ng the “nominee” to become First Minister. Once the King appoints the new First Minister, the First Minister will then select Members of the Senedd to be ministers in the cabinet.

Welsh Conservati­ve group leader Andrew RT Davies MS said: “I am grateful to the First Minister for heeding Welsh Conservati­ve calls to recall the Senedd to give Wales some much-needed stability. Considerin­g the chaos that has engulfed the Labour government in Cardiff Bay you would have thought they would have brought this decision forward by bringing in an earlier recall to give Wales that stability.

“Given that Eluned Morgan’s delivery as health minister was questionab­le, you would have also thought that she would want to get going straight away by being elected by the Senedd as First Minister.”

Senedd Labour group vicechair, Buffy Williams MS, said: “Last night, we held our first Senedd Labour group meeting following the announceme­nt of our new leader, Eluned Morgan. There was a real excitement around Eluned being the first woman Welsh Labour leader, and an immense sense of pride that she is set to be the first woman First Minister of Wales.

“The message was clear from members, we need to move on from recent events. There’s a real determinat­ion in our group to turn our focus towards the needs of the people of Wales. We understand how important it is that we deliver for our communitie­s, it’s what we’re elected to do and what we are enthusiast­ic about cracking on with.

“Over the summer, we will be listening to residents across our constituen­cies and regions to get a real feel for the priorities of our communitie­s beyond what, at times, has looked like a distractin­g Senedd bubble.”

 ?? ?? Vaughan Gething has written to the King to offer his resignatio­n
Vaughan Gething has written to the King to offer his resignatio­n

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