South Wales Evening Post

New art show promises to be out of this world

- IAN LEWIS Reporter ian.lewis@walesonlin­

SWANSEA Council’s Glynn Vivian Art Gallery will open a new exhibition next month by Turner Prize nominated artist Heather Phillipson.

The show, called Out of this World, plots a sequence of sonic and atmospheri­c conditions that conjure airspace, aerospace and outer space.

It responds to the ghostly communicat­ions of radar, sonar and unidentifi­ed aerial phenomena.

Heather’s work will fill Glynn Vivian’s galleries with tuned, automated noises and dematerial­ised images that float and pulsate, creating what she calls “a visual and acoustic fog”. This fog is, like some aspects of warfare, hallucinat­ory – generating apparition­s, premonitio­ns and phantasmag­oria.

Out of this World is part of the IWM 14-18 NOW Legacy Fund, a national partnershi­p programme of more than 20 artist commission­s

inspired by the heritage of conflict.

Led by Imperial War Museums, the IWM 14-18 NOW Legacy Fund was created following the success of 14-18 NOW, the official UK arts programme for the First World War centenary.

The £2.5m commission­ing programme has been made possible thanks to the success of Peter Jackson’s

critically acclaimed film They Shall Not Grow Old, co-commission­ed by IWM and 14-18 NOW.

Heather said: “In a way, all of my work engages with conflict, from the mute, interior and microcosmi­c, to the raging, global and macrocosmi­c. It is a gift to be invited to think through these ideas with the Imperial War Museum, especially at this agonising moment of conflict, and to do so in Wales, land of myth and mystery.”

Rebecca Newell, head of art at Imperial War Museums, said: “Out of this World sparks the imaginatio­n through unexpected sights and sounds, engaging abstractly with visceral experience­s of conflict and, ultimately, hope. Through the IWM 14-18 NOW Legacy Fund, Imperial War Museums’ national arts commission­ing programme, we look forward to presenting with Glynn Vivian this rich, atmospheri­c new work from Heather Philipson.”

Karen Mackinnon, Glynn Vivian curator, said: “We are thrilled to be working with Heather Phillipson. Her practice is often a collision of radically different materials and ways of working. Surreal, poetic constellat­ions, engaging with urgent and radical ideas of our time. This project will create new narratives and conversati­ons in ways that only artists can and provide amazing opportunit­ies for audiences to engage and participat­e in a unique and immersive artwork.

She added: “The IWM 14-18 NOW Legacy Fund thoroughly supports and allows creativity and ambition to flourish, creating long-lasting local and national networks and legacies and reminding us all of the importance and value of art and culture in these turbulent times.”

 ?? RORY VAN MILLINGEN ?? Turner Prize nominated artist Heather Phillipson
RORY VAN MILLINGEN Turner Prize nominated artist Heather Phillipson
 ?? ?? Work by Heather Phillipson
Work by Heather Phillipson

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