South Wales Evening Post

Pupils’ excellent behaviour helps school get good report


THE behaviour of pupils attending a Welsh-medium primary in Swansea and their attitudes to learning are excellent, school inspectors have found.

A team from Estyn visited Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Bryny-môr earlier this year and have now published a report.

It says: “Pupils, staff and parents are proud of the school’s happy and friendly ethos. Pupils feel very safe within the school’s homely and inclusive feel, where everyone respects and cares greatly for each other. The Welsh language is at the heart of the school and pupils show pride in their language. They use it completely naturally inside and outside the classroom.”

It adds that another strong feature is that staff provide an innovative and exciting curriculum that enables pupils to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to support their work. Teachers give pupils’ ideas careful considerat­ion and provide opportunit­ies for them to choose how they would like to learn.

The report says headteache­r Elin Wakeham has a clear and robust vision for the school, which is based on developing pupils’ well-being and opportunit­ies for them to thrive. Governors are very supportive of the school and show a good awareness of their roles and responsibi­lities and support leaders and staff effectivel­y.

The headteache­r, with the support of staff and governors, promotes a robust culture of safeguardi­ng

Mrs Wakeham said: “I’m so proud of staff and pupils and very pleased that inspectors recognised that together we are one big inclusive family that shows respect and care towards each other.

“I am so glad that the report captures that inspiratio­nal leadership across the school supports staff to work well together, ensure that key skills are woven skilfully across the curriculum, that teachers have high expectatio­ns of pupils and that teaching assistants support pupils skilfully.”

Swansea Council’s cabinet member for education, Robert Smith, said: “Many congratula­tions to all at Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Bryn-y-môr on a really positive report.”

 ?? SWANSEA COUNCIL ?? Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Bryn-y-môr is celebratin­g a positive Estyn report.
SWANSEA COUNCIL Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Bryn-y-môr is celebratin­g a positive Estyn report.

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