South Wales Echo

Ex-MP sorry for suggesting disorder is ‘politicall­y justified’


THE Tories’ Shadow Welsh Secretary has apologised and been reprimande­d by his chief whip after appearing to claim disorder sweeping across parts of England was “politicall­y justified”.

Lord Davies of Gower has since said he “utterly” condemns the violence seen in multiple towns and cities over the last week and claimed his original remarks had been “misconstru­ed”.

But the shadow Wales secretary and former Gower MP had responded to a statement on social media by Mail On Sunday commentato­r Dan Hodges, in which the journalist had written: “There’s no political justificat­ion for the disorder we have seen. But if people want to get into the blame game these are the facts.

“The Tories were in power for 14 years. Labour have been in power for four weeks. Blaming Keir Starmer and Yvette Cooper for this is just ridiculous.”

Lord Davies replied on social media: “But Labour blocked the Rwanda Bill 130+ times, of course it’s politicall­y justified!”

He initially said he would “stand by my comment”, insisting he had meant Labour’s immigratio­n approach was not politicall­y justifiabl­e, but backed down after the remark drew criticism online.

The shadow minister was “spoken to” by the Lords opposition chief whip following his interventi­on and reminded of the consequenc­es of the misuse of language, the Tories said.

“I apologise if earlier words have been misconstru­ed, particular­ly at such a sensitive time,” Lord Davies wrote.

“To be crystal clear, I utterly condemn the violence in our cities. What I am criticisin­g is Labour’s totally negative approach to immigratio­n and organised crime. I stand by that.”

A Conservati­ve spokesman said: “These comments are unacceptab­le. Lord Davies is being spoken to by the Lords opposition chief whip and reminded of the consequenc­es of the misuse of language at such a sensitive time and the standards expected of him as a member of the shadow cabinet.”

Labour’s Secretary of State for Wales Jo Stevens said Lord Davies’ comments were “disgusting, misguided and dangerous”.

“Racist violence is never justified,” she said. Ms Stevens added: “Politician­s, including unelected ones, have an important responsibi­lity to de-escalate tensions.

“Those inflaming them should seriously consider their position.”

It came after violence escalated in parts of England over the weekend after several day of disorder since the killings of three girls in Southport last Monday.

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