South Wales Echo

Horror as duck killed in front of children

- JONATHON HILL jonathon.hill@walesonlin­

A GRANDMOTHE­R and her grandchild­ren were left horrified when ducks they were feeding at a holiday park were run over by someone working on the site.

At least one duck was killed in the incident which happened at Trecco Bay holiday park, Porthcawl.

A spokespers­on for the holiday park said the incident was an “unfortunat­e accident” and the ducks had run out in front of the vehicle being driven by someone working on the park while the children were feeding the ducks.

Grandmothe­r Carrie Godwin said the incident happened outside a holiday home they were using at the time on Friday, June 21.

Ms Godwin said: “My son and his children witnessed a Parkdean estate worker run over a group of ducks while my family were feeding them.

“One of the ducks was killed and the other two ran off. These ducks

Reporter have lived at the park for a long while.

“My grandchild­ren are traumatise­d as they witnessed this incident,” she said.

Carrie said she reported the incident to Trecco Bay who offered the children a free soft play voucher which the family accepted.

“They sent someone to clean up the blood immediatel­y and they put the deceased bird in a black bag and took it away,” Carrie said.

“The RSPCA have been informed. Luckily we’re going home tomorrow and because of this incident will not be coming back, which is a shame as we love the beaches here.”

A spokespers­on for Parkdean Resorts, which owns Trecco Bay, said: “This was an unfortunat­e accident and we have apologised to the family for their experience.

“We spoke with Ms Godwin and her family on the park and offered a gesture of goodwill which they accepted.”

 ?? CARRIE GODWIN ?? The ducks Carrie Godwin’s grandchild­ren were feeding at Trecco Bay holiday park in Porthcawl before they were run over by a park worker
CARRIE GODWIN The ducks Carrie Godwin’s grandchild­ren were feeding at Trecco Bay holiday park in Porthcawl before they were run over by a park worker

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