South Wales Echo

Starmer could be an ace card for Wales TV footpaths give food for thought


AS a Labour Party activist over many decades, I have railed against Mark Drakeford’s Corbynist regime at every opportunit­y, including in these letters pages.

In recent weeks I have been delighted by signs that his woke gender identity doctrine, the imposition of critical race theory in education along with his fanatical pursuit of environmen­tal targets were being immediatel­y jettisoned by the incoming Vaughan Gething government.

Already the refusal to modernise Welsh infrastruc­ture, which any A-level student will tell you is economic suicide, has been targeted by the easing of Mr Drakeford’s freeze on new road building.

Gender quotas in the Senedd are to be reviewed and the new school holiday arrangemen­ts have been jettisoned, to the vociferous chagrin of Mr Drakeford in the Senedd. Mr Gething has also placated the farmers who had been demonstrat­ing against Mr Drakeford’s environmen­tal and financiall­y damaging imposition­s.

One of the first decisions made was the push-back and review of the ludicrousl­y damaging and costly 20mph limit, reviled by the nation. Mr Gething has been honouring his pledge to “focus on what matters most to people’s daily lives”, something which is beyond a lofty, intellectu­ally ‘progressiv­e’ theorist such as Mr Drakeford.

Mr Gething has grabbed the tiger by the tail by challengin­g the powerful, now well-establishe­d, Welsh-language elite who have controlled Wales for decades.

They have already ended the sweetheart coalition enjoyed by Mr Drakeford and the nationalis­ts. This forced a vote of confidence in the Senedd; the manufactur­ed outcome was a cynical move to return Wales to a debilitati­ng status quo. However, Mr Gething and his brave cabinet could have one ace card in play and that is the role of Keir Starmer. As predicted, Mr Drakeford’s appalling record in impoverish­ing Wales, in education and in the NHS, plus the recent Cass Report officially destroying his gender ideology has been a millstone around Labour’s election campaign. Having ruthlessly dumped Mr Corbyn, Mr Starmer may step in to prevent an embarrassi­ng nationalis­t Momentum-led government next door.

Dennis Coughlin

Llandaff, Cardiff

Mr Gething has grabbed the tiger by the tail by challengin­g the Welshlangu­age elite who have controlled Wales for decades...

zeroes. They didn’t buy it, I coughed up and left it at that.

Meanwhile, Mr Schiavone played the familiar ‘language’ card. The latest was, he was not going to pay despite Judge Lowri Williams’ ruling in favour of the parking company. It has dragged on for almost four years.

Ultimately, both Mr Schiavone and I are 100% to blame for not being sufficient­ly vigilant.

Let us say in pure conjecture that Mr Schiavone hits the jackpot on

Euro Millions this week. Adhering to his principles, he would refuse the seven-figure sum assuming the notificati­on were in English only. Or would he? Kevin Roberts Tremeirchi­on

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