South Wales Echo



■■ 1431: Joan of Arc, French peasant girl who became a national heroine, was burned at the stake in Rouen for heresy. She was canonised in 1920 on the anniversar­y of her death.

■■1498: Christophe­r Columbus set sail on his third voyage of discovery in which he would discover the South American mainland.

■■ 1536: King Henry VIII married Jane Seymour, the third of his six wives, in the Queen’s Chapel, Whitehall, 11 days after the execution of Anne Boleyn.

■■1593: Christophe­r Marlowe, English playwright who greatly influenced Shakespear­e, was killed in a tavern brawl.

■■ 1656: The Grenadier Guards, the senior regiment of the British Army, was formed.

■■1672: Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia, was born in Moscow. He decided that all Russians should be clean-shaven. Those exempted had to pay a beard tax.

■■ 1842: An attempt was made on the life of Queen Victoria as she drove down Constituti­on Hill with Prince Albert. The would-be assassin was John Francis.

■■1946: Labour minister of food John Strachey announced that bread would be rationed, with the greatest allowance going to manual workers in heavy industry.

■■ 1959: The first full-sized experiment­al hovercraft, built by Saunders-Roe, was launched at Cowes on the Isle of Wight.

■■1989: Cliff Richard released his 100th pop single.

■■ ON THIS DAY LAST YEAR: A group of leading technology experts warned that artificial intelligen­ce technology should be considered a societal risk, prioritise­d in the same class as pandemics and nuclear wars.

■■BIRTHDAYS: Harry Enfield, comedian, 63; Wynonna Judd, country singer/actress, 60; Tim Burgess, rock singer (The Charlatans), 57; Andy Farrell, former rugby player, 49; Steven Gerrard, former footballer, 44; Jennifer Ellison, actress, 41, above; Jonathan Fox, swimmer, 33.

■■ The recycled paper content of UK newspapers in 2021 was 65.7%

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