South Wales Echo

Rapist made cancer threat to vulnerable attack victim


A MAN raped a young woman before telling her that she would die from cancer if she told anyone, a court has heard.

Luke Rimmer, 33, of Anderson Place, Adamsdown, Cardiff, carried out the attack last year.

He removed the victim’s pyjamas and underwear and raped her for between eight and 10 minutes, a court heard. The victim, who has automatic lifelong anonymity, was described as being vulnerable.

Rimmer pleaded guilty to rape at a previous hearing.

Prosecutio­n barrister Nigel Fryer told the court Rimmer “pinned her arms down” and raped his victim. A victim impact statement written by the victim’s mum was read to the court by Mr Fryer. It said: “I can’t get over it... She told me that he told her not to tell anyone what happened or she will get cancer and die.”

Andrew Taylor, mitigating, said: “This is as serious and sad a case as one can imagine. This is not a case where a young man comes before the court without a considerab­le trauma to his life. This type of abuse tends to be cyclical. The abused often go on to abuse. He himself has vulnerabil­ities. He is plainly a young man in need of assistance.”

Sentencing Rimmer at Swansea Crown Court, Judge Daniel Williams said: “You pinned her down and violently removed her pyjamas and underwear and raped her. The effect upon her is of course significan­t.” The Judge referenced Rimmer’s previous conviction­s, none of which were for sexual crimes, and sentenced him to seven and a half years in prison with an extended licence period of four years making an extended sentence in total of 11 and a half years. He must also sign the sex offenders’ register and was made the subject of a restrainin­g order, both of which apply indefinite­ly.

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