South Wales Echo

Town centres regenerati­on call


MORE must be done to regenerate Wales’ town centres due to the impact of the pandemic, out-of-town developmen­ts and changing shopping habits, the Senedd has heard.

Mark Isherwood led a debate in the Senedd on a public accounts committee report following an inquiry on town-centre regenerati­on in Wales.

The committee chair said much good work is being done to improve town centres but the pace of regenerati­on must be accelerate­d.

Mr Isherwood warned Wales’ high streets have been changed immeasurab­ly by the pandemic and the increased prevalence of online shopping.

The Tory raised concerns about poor transport links and a lack of carparking affecting footfall as he stressed the importance of developing an integrated, affordable system.

Calling for a simple approach to taxation, Mr Isherwood argued the current business rates system disincenti­vises investment in towns.

Replying to the debate on behalf of the Welsh Government, Julie James warned that town centres face unpreceden­ted challenges.

Wales’ climate change minister said: “The impact of out-of-town developmen­ts, changing retail habits and the Covid pandemic have all had consequenc­es for our high streets.

“There are too many empty shops, too few homes and too little green space.”

Ms James told MSs that the Welsh Government, which accepted the committee’s eight recommenda­tions, has strengthen­ed planning policies to put town centres first.

She said: “We want to see town centres considered first for the location of significan­t new commercial, retail, education, health, leisure and public service facilities.

“This diverse range of services will, indeed, drive footfall into our town centres.”

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