South Wales Echo

‘I found out I had cervical cancer after my first smear test’

- LYDIA STEPHENS Health editor lydia.stephens@walesonlin­

WHEN Georgina Wren was called to attend her first cervical smear test, she thought little of it.

She had no symptoms before she attended the screening at her GP surgery in February 2023.

A few weeks later, the 25-year-old received a letter to say the test had shown some high-grade abnormal changes.

“I wasn’t that worried at first as my friend had been through something similar and was fine,” said Georgina.

PhD student Georgina was invited to the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff for a colposcopy to remove the abnormal cells found in her cervix.

“It happened to be an oncologist removing the cells and I thought he would spend 10 minutes lasering the cells and that would be it,” said Georgina.

However, the Cardiff University graduate teaching assistant was told the procedure couldn’t take place as a 4cm tumour had been found on her cervix.

She said: “I was basically told I had cancer and I needed to return in two weeks.”

Georgina was in utter disbelief and broke down in tears in the corridor.

She said: “I just couldn’t believe what I had been told and I remember falling to the floor in tears when I went to find a toilet. A lovely student doctor asked me if I was OK but I just couldn’t process what was happening.”

She was diagnosed with stage one cervical cancer and was told she was a couple of months away from it developing to stage two. She was offered the chance to freeze her eggs in case she wanted to start a family in the future.

“It was really hard making such a big decision. I hadn’t given it much thought before as I was only 25,” said Georgina.

She spent a long time discussing her options with her partner Emily, before surgery to remove the tumour.

She said: “I decided IVF wasn’t the right thing for me and when I told the doctor, he said it wouldn’t have been possible anyway as they weren’t able to retrieve my eggs due to the size and stage of my tumour. The whole thing was just such an emotional rollercoas­ter.”

On April 20 last year Georgina had a full hysterecto­my and lymph nodes removed.

The surgery went well but Georgina also needed chemothera­py and radiothera­py as the surgeons discovered cancerous cells growing outside the cervix.

She started chemothera­py at Cardiff’s Velindre Cancer Centre and had five rounds of chemothera­py, 25 rounds of radiothera­py and five sessions of brachyther­apy – a type of internal radiothera­py.

“I found chemo quite hard. But I wanted to approach treatment with as much positivity as I could and friends and family helped me so much,” said Georgina.

“The staff were absolutely incredible but I did feel uncomforta­ble at times being one of the youngest patients there.”

Georgina finished her treatment on July 21 last year, ringing the bell to signify its end.

She said: “It was an incredible feeling to ring the bell and it was something I decided to share on social media, which all went a bit nuts.”

Looking forward to the future, Georgina will be taking part in Race for Life Cardiff in Bute Park on May 5.

She said: “I’m super-excited to be the starter at Race for Life. It’s a really good opportunit­y to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Research is vital to prevent as well as treat cancer as it saves lives – it certainly saved mine.”

People of all ages and abilities are welcome to take part in Race for Life Cardiff.

Mums, dads, sons, daughters, grandparen­ts and friends can choose from a 5km or 10km or Pretty Muddy – a 5km mud-splattered obstacle course. There is also a Pretty Muddy kids option.

Every year, about 19,800 people are diagnosed with cancer in Wales.

Ruth Amies, Cancer Research UK’s spokespers­on in Wales, said: “We are grateful to Georgina for her support and know her story will make an impact on everyone who hears it.

“No matter how cancer affects us life is worth racing for. Sadly nearly one in two of us will get cancer in our lifetime. Race for Life has the power not only to transform lives but to save them. We’re proud that Race for Life has already helped double survival rates in the UK.

“We’d love for as many people as possible across Cardiff and beyond to join us at Race for Life. There is an event for everyone – and we mean everyone. Walk, jog, run, or take on the course however it suits best.

“It’s a chance to feel the power of moving together with fellow Race for Lifers and to treasure that moment of crossing the finish line.”

For more informatio­n about cervical screening, visit­d-teams/screening/cervical-screening-wales/ or to enter Race for Life, visit raceforlif­

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 ?? ?? Georgina Wren was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 25. Below, Georgina with her partner Emily
Georgina Wren was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 25. Below, Georgina with her partner Emily

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