South Wales Echo

New way to help city’s homeless

- HANNAH FINCH Reporter hannah.finch@walesonlin­

SIX donation points have been set up across Cardiff city centre in a bid to help tackle homelessne­ss.

The new donation points allow people to use their smartphone­s to scan a QR code and make a quick and easy payment directly to the Give DIFFerentl­y fund – with 100% of each donation going directly towards supporting people experienci­ng or at risk of homelessne­ss.

The move is part of the Small Things Make a Big DIFFerence campaign involving business umbrella group For Cardiff and existing homeless charities. Since 2018 the initiative has raised more than £12,000 and issued 32 grants to Cardiff-based organisati­ons and charities.

Cardiff council’s cabinet member for housing and communitie­s, Lynda Thorne, said: “People in Cardiff have a tremendous amount of compassion for those they see sleeping rough, or those experienci­ng homelessne­ss and we know they want to help. Give DIFFerentl­y is a really positive way to support vulnerable people.”

Richard Williams, chief executive of Community Foundation Wales, which manages the fund, said: “We are proud to be working with For Cardiff to provide support to those experienci­ng homelessne­ss in Cardiff. We know that what seems like a small donation can actually have a big impact and help provide a stepping stone for positive change.”

Carolyn Brownell, executive director (interim) at For Cardiff, said: “This

campaign shows that even small donations can make such a big impact in helping change people’s lives and Give DIFFerentl­y’s new QR code donation points will make it quicker and easier to make a donation, knowing that 100% is going directly to supporting people in their journey away from


The city centre donation point locations are at: Cardiff Central Library; The Hayes/Morgan Quarter – next to TK Maxx; Cardiff Market; The Bike Lock, Windsor Place; McDonald’s Queen Street; and McDonald’s St Mary Street.

 ?? GIVE DIFFERENTL­Y ?? Richard Williams of Community Foundation Wales, Cllr Lynda Thorne, and Nia Wood-Gaiger of For Cardiff, at one of the new donation points
GIVE DIFFERENTL­Y Richard Williams of Community Foundation Wales, Cllr Lynda Thorne, and Nia Wood-Gaiger of For Cardiff, at one of the new donation points

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