South Wales Echo

Family’s tragedy as ‘beautiful, supporting and loving’ mum dies aged 31

- BRANWEN JONES Reporter branwen.jones@walesonlin­

A MUM has shared her agony after losing her 31-year-old daughter.

Louise Lewis’ daughter, Cally Ann Ahearne, sadly died on February 16, less than two years after she tragically lost her baby son.

According to Louise, who lives in Nantyglo in Blaenau Gwent, Cally was a “beautiful, supporting and loving” individual who was ready to help anybody.

In her memory, a fundraisin­g page has been launched for Cally’s fiveyear-old daughter Lainee so she can have a “bright future”.

Speaking to the Echo, Louise said she wanted people to remember her daughter as the brave and kind person that she was.

In August 2022, Cally spoke candidly about her experience of losing her “precious” baby boy Junior Jack Ahearne.

After being told her unborn baby would not stand a chance of survival, Cally fought to have him while his heart was still beating so she could say her goodbyes.

Following her experience, Cally started raising money in the hope it would help other families going through the same situation.

According to Louise, it was in Cally’s nature to help others.

She said: “She was beautiful, she was supportive, she was so loving. She would say it as it is. She was always around anybody when they needed support.

“If they were feeling down she would be the one to pick them back up. She would help anybody.”

Growing up, Cally was close to her twin brother Cory and their younger brother Ashton and enjoyed motocross cycling.

She became a “friend to everybody” and every single photo taken of her showed her always smiling, according to Louise.

She said: “Cally Ann had a handful of lovely best friends but she had a lot of friends.

“She probably knew everybody – she probably knew everybody from every valley she was that friendly. And she would do anything for her friends – if anybody needed anything, if they’d rung her and needed something, she’d drop anything to be with them and help them.”

As an adult Cally only lived a stone’s throw away from her mum in Nantyglo and the two had a close bond.

“Every morning she would ring me and the first thing she would say was: ‘Oright love?’” Louise said.

“She would call me every morning and every night. And at the end of every conversati­on we had on the phone we would always say: ‘Ta-ra my darling, love you.’

“Every conversati­on ended with: ‘I love you.’ We were really close.”

In August 2018, Cally gave birth to Lainee, who became the “apple of her eye”.

Louise said: “Her daughter was her absolute world. She was devoted to this little girl, absolutely devoted.

“They used to love doing TikTok together, they would put the music on and just started dancing. She loved to dance.”

She added: “I just look at this little girl and all I see is her beautiful mammy. Lainee is so much like Cally when she was her age in her looks, her ways, her mannerisms.”

According to Louise, the grief she has experience­d since losing Cally has been “the worst pain” she has ever experience­d.

She said: “I’ve lost my best friend, I’ve lost my soulmate, I’ve lost my beautiful daughter.”

In memory of Cally, her best friend Abbie Lyons has launched a GoFundMe page ( life-without-mammy) on behalf of her family and friends. They hope the money raised will help Lainee.

Abbie said: “I have launched the GoFundMe page as I know if it was me in Cally’s place she would do it for me with my little boy as she would do anything for anyone.”

On the page, Abbie has written: “Instead of flowers the family would prefer the funds to go into a savings account for Cally’s daughter who will be able to use the funds to make her life the best possible without her mammy by her side. We want her to have the best upbringing, one she would have had with Cally.

“If you can help with a donation big or small it will be very much appreciate­d. It will help massively and will have a huge impact on this little girl’s tough journey ahead.”

According to Louise, the outpouring of love, support and donations has offered hope during a very difficult time for the family.

She said: “The community has been hit, it’s been so much of a shock. My family has been a tower of strength. Cally’s friends have been so supportive, they’ve been coming here, they want to take Lainee trampolini­ng, and they want to do stuff with her.

She added: “I am overwhelme­d with the generosity of people just to give this beautiful little girl a bright future.

“If anything would’ve happened to anyone else’s child Cally Ann would’ve been the first person to arrange something like this. She would do anything for anybody.”

 ?? LOUISE LEWIS ?? Cally Ann Ahearne with her five-year-old daughter Lainee
LOUISE LEWIS Cally Ann Ahearne with her five-year-old daughter Lainee
 ?? ?? Cally has been remembered as a ‘friend to everybody’
Cally has been remembered as a ‘friend to everybody’

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