South Wales Echo

Concerns over new recycling system

- TAITE JOHNSON Reporter taite.johnson@walesonlin­ For more informatio­n about rubbish and recycling in Cardiff, visit

FOR many people living in Cardiff, this week has been the first in which they have used a new segregated recycling method.

However, it has faced some criticism from members of the public and organisati­ons, with 36,000 households set to see the change in the coming weeks.

Homes in Ely, Gabalfa, Grangetown, Heath West, Llandaff, Pentwyn, Pentyrch, Rhiwbina, Splott and Trowbridge will be changing to the new method, with some already using it since last week.

The system requires residents to separate their recycling with a blue caddy for glass bottles and jars; a red sack for metals, plastics, and food and drink cartons; and a reusable blue sack for cardboard and paper.

This method increases the quality of the recycling and lowers the contaminat­ion rate of disposed of recycling from 30% to 7% on average.

A Cardiff Council spokespers­on said: “The council is currently implementi­ng a new sack sort recycling method to 36,000 properties across the city, following successful trials of 10,000 properties.

“The sack sort recycling method is the Welsh Government’s preferred way for local authoritie­s to collect recyclable waste, as outlined in their Towards Zero Waste Strategy.

“It should be noted that Wales has one of the highest recycling rates in the world.

“Through this new method, the trials show that the ‘contaminat­ion rate’, which are the items that people put out for recycling that cannot be recycled, has dropped from 30% to between 6% and 8% depending on the area where the recycling has been collected from.

“These figures are calculated by putting different sample loads through the materials recovery facility which separates the materials by size and weight.”

The green bag system, known as commingled recycling, although easier for residents, caused issues when not used correctly.

If the wrong waste, such as food, was incorrectl­y disposed of within the green bags, rodents, birds and other animals could tear the bags and leave waste strewn around.

Unlike the previous green bag collection­s, one of each coloured sack will be given to every household, which will be collected weekly, while the blue caddy will be collected fortnightl­y.

One resident shared their concerns on social media, saying: “A sack isn’t going to go far if you recycle a lot. Well my black bin will be fuller than usual.”

To this, another resident who had already been using the new system replied and reassured them the sacks were big enough to fit their weekly recycling. They said: “Honestly, you will be surprised how much they hold. I used to go through 3-4 green bags between pickups and the new bags last the right amount of time.”

Concern has also arisen with where to store the multiple receptacle­s.

One resident stated: “What a joke. Where is everyone supposed to keep all the different containers to put rubbish into?”

Cardiff council is offering smaller sacks to those living in smaller properties to combat the storage issue.

As Cardiff often sees windy weather, especially during the autumn/winter months, many residents have expressed their worry the sacks may blow away in the wind when empty.

Each reusable bag is weighted with 500g to ensure they do not blow away in normal weather conditions.

Cardiff council is also asking residents “to bring the sacks and containers back into their property, as soon as they are able to do so”.

One major concern about the new method has been highlighte­d by residents across Cardiff, as well as the national organisati­on, Disability Wales.

Many questions have arisen as to how those with limited strength and mobility will be able to carry the new sacks/caddy – as they do not have wheels – to and from their house to the kerbside on collection day.

Disability equality officer at Disability Wales, Alexandra Harrison said the new changes are likely to “negatively impact” disabled people in Cardiff.

She said: “We are disappoint­ed that Cardiff Council have made changes to recycling collection­s without properly consulting disabled people, who are likely to be negatively impacted by the changes.

“We understand that recycling properly is important, however, we feel disabled people have not been considered when decisions have been made.

“As sacks can’t have wheels, those with mobility impairment­s are likely to find it difficult to move filled sacks, to and from their homes to be collected.

“Many disabled residents may recycle less to ensure they can manage the recycling sacks or bins.”

The council does offer an assisted lift service for disabled people in Cardiff, where a location is agreed in the boundary of a residents’ property, where the waste is taken from and where the sacks/containers are returned afterwards.

Cardiff council asks all residents to recycle and compost as much of their waste as they can.

While the council did not consult with Disability Wales when constructi­ng the new system, it did engage with Age Friendly Cardiff and Dementia Friendly Cardiff.

Adjustment­s were suggested by the groups and were taken on board by Cardiff council which resulted in changes being made.

Additional sacks will be provided to residents who are concerned about the weight of the sacks, extra capacity for black bag waste can be provided, and further and targeted education support including weekly household visits or telephone calls.

 ?? ROB BROWNE ?? Many Cardiff homes have started using different containers for recycling
ROB BROWNE Many Cardiff homes have started using different containers for recycling

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