South Wales Echo

‘FM thought Johnsonwou­ld control Covid response’


THE First Minister of Wales believed the UK Government would be in charge of the country’s pandemic response until just days before the first lockdown, an inquiry has heard.

Mark Drakeford, the outgoing leader of the Senedd, was under the impression the Welsh Government would not be making decisions to prevent the spread of coronaviru­s itself due to the type of legislatio­n being used in Parliament.

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry heard the First Minister only discovered the country would be in control on March 20, three days before the first lockdown was announced.

Tom Poole KC, the lead counsel for the inquiry, said reports submitted by Professor Dan Wincott, an expert on Welsh Government decision-making, suggested this outcome was “not one that the First Minister anticipate­d”.

The inquiry heard the Welsh Government initially believed Parliament would use powers in the Civil Contingenc­ies Act (CCA) to implement protection­s against the pandemic, such as the first lockdown. The CCA puts the UK Government in charge of decision-making, with devolved administra­tions left to implement them.

However, because Covid-19 was not considered an “unforeseen event” the CCA could not be used.

Instead, public health powers were drawn on, meaning the devolved government­s, including in Wales, oversaw their own responses.

Mr Poole said the First Minister agreed with the decision to use public health rules, which would allow Wales to “reflect the particular circumstan­ces” of the country, but the UK Government’s decision was “not formally made until March 20”.

Boris Johnson said in his response to a previous section of the inquiry that his government should have thought harder about the legal basis for the measures to prevent different rules in the four nations of the UK.

Prof Wincott described the overlap of policies between UK and Welsh government rule as having “jagged edges”.

He also spoke of “blame games” between the two government­s over policy and “confusion over accountabi­lity” for the public.

However, when asked if the Welsh government had an effective public health communicat­ion strategy during the pandemic, Prof Wincott said it did “overall” but there were “specific examples of mishandled issues”, for example around the “firebreak” lockdown.

The hearing continues.

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