South Wales Echo

Inmate made threats from prison to kill ex and her new partner

- PHILIP DEWEY Court correspond­ent philip.dewey@walesonlin­

A SERVING prisoner made threats to kill his ex-wife and her new partner while being assessed for dementia in prison.

He told a prison officer: “I’ll get life but I don’t mind.”

William Morse, 61, received an 18-month prison sentence for previously making threats to kill his exwife, and was serving his sentence at HMP Parc in Bridgend.

On March 28 last year, the defendant was undergoing an assessment for possible dementia.

A sentencing hearing at Cardiff Crown Court on Tuesday heard the defendant held “a lot of hatred” towards his ex-wife and her new partner.

Prosecutor William Bebb said Morse spoke to an officer about his children, how much he loved them and how he would do anything for them. But he said his ex-wife had “taken everything from him”.

The defendant told the officer: “I will kill her and I will kill her partner.”

He repeated those words and made reference to stabbing them. Morse added: “If I tell you this they’ll bang me up. I’ll get life but I don’t mind”.

Once the defendant’s ex-wife and her partner were informed of his threats, they described feeling “anxious” about his release from prison and asked for protection.

Morse, of Lewis Street, Riverside, Cardiff, pleaded guilty to using threatenin­g/abusive/insulting words or behaviour.

The court heard he had five previous conviction­s for offences including possession of a blade, common assault and criminal damage, as well as threats to kill.

Sentencing, Judge Simon Mills said: “This has been going on a long time and you have been in custody throughout the proceeding­s... Your behaviour was extremely distressin­g and threatenin­g.”

Morse was sentenced to four months’ imprisonme­nt, and is likely to be released imminently due to the amount of time he has spent on remand. He was also made the subject of restrainin­g orders in respect of both his victims.

 ?? ?? William Morse
William Morse

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