South Wales Echo

Council plans face-to-face engagement


CARDIFF Council wants more faceto-face meetings with underrepre­sented groups as part of a review into how it engages with the public.

The review ties in with its duty to encourage people to take part in decision-making and promote awareness of its principal functions.

Over 11 weeks, between July and October last year, a consultati­on gauged the public’s views on how well the council engaged with them.

It is now proposing a number of changes to its Participat­ion Strategy 2023-27, including:

More face-to-face engagement with under-represente­d groups;

A more targeted approach to engagement, to avoid “consultati­on fatigue”;

Developing a feedback programme to share findings and outcomes with those who have been consulted;

Developing a regular programme of engagement with the deaf community and those who are visually impaired; and

Using the council’s existing social media channels to promote opportunit­ies for the public to get involved and share their views.

Julie Sangani, the council’s cabinet member for tackling poverty, equality and public health, said the results of the survey indicated that the public were keen to become more involved in the decision-making process and engage more with the council via all available channels.

She said: “Promoting civic participat­ion and giving the people a voice in shaping the decisions that affect their lives have always been key priorities for this council and we remain committed to ensuring we hear not just their views, but also their views on how their opinions are gauged.”

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