South Wales Echo

LRZ bombshell, a new skipper and five new caps... remarkable even by Welsh standards!


WALES squad announceme­nts at their Vale of Glamorgan training base are rarely dull affairs but this one really took the prize for the most dramatic.

With the announceme­nt pencilled in for 12pm, and the press conference scheduled for 1pm, journalist­s began getting more than a little concerned when the squad didn’t drop at the arranged time.

All of a sudden it was chaos, with Gloucester announcing Louis ReesZammit’s decision to leave profession­al rugby for the NFL.

This took the sting out of Gatland’s squad announceme­nt which in normal times would have caused quite a stir with five uncapped players and a new captain included.

With his Rugby World Cup co-captain Dewi Lake and Jac Morgan unavailabl­e due to injury, Dafydd Jenkins has been given the captain’s armband while Cameron Winnett, Alex Mann, Mackenzie Martin, Archie Griffin and Evans Lloyd named as the uncapped players in the squad.

On top of this was the shock omissions of Taulupe Faletau, Tomas Francis and Dillon Lewis.

Rugby correspond­ent STEFFAN THOMAS takes a close look at Gatland’s squad and what the absence of Rees-Zammit means.

Shock Rees-Zammit announceme­nt

IT’S hard to think of a more surprising announceme­nt than Rees-Zammit’s decision to leave profession­al rugby to try his hand in American football.

Make no bones about it, this is a hammerblow not just for Wales’ Six Nations hopes but the image of Welsh rugby.

In normal circumstan­ces there would have been plenty to write about from the squad itself, from Jenkins being named captain to the five uncapped players.

When Gatland sat down on the top table to answer questions from the press, the Wales coach was clearly shocked at the Rees-Zammit news, having only heard some half an hour before.

To his credit Gatland could have voiced his anger and frustratio­n at losing one of Wales’ only world-class players, but that is not the New Zealander’s style. Gatland has always put his players first and his main message was wishing Rees-Zammit well in his future endeavours.

Many other coaches would have began to panic, but as always Gatland was cool and calm.

The Wales coach refuses to look at the loss of Rees-Zammit as a setback, instead voicing his excitement at some of the young talent in his squad who he is confident will flourish over the next couple of months.

If you are ever in a crisis, Gatland is exactly the man you want by your side and the Kiwi’s calm demeanour went a long way to dousing the shock among the press pack.

Rees-Zammit is box office both on and off the field, and while his bravery at taking the plunge into American football is to be admired, it’s a big risk.

The 22-year-old is not only giving up the chance of winning more Wales caps, at least in the short term, but also a potential British & Irish Lions tour.

On the field Gatland has lost his deadliest finisher and Wales’ backline doesn’t look quite as dangerous without him.

To rub further salt into Wales’ wounds is Exeter Chiefs flyer Immanuel Feyi-Waboso’s decision to opt for England over the country of his birth.

The likelihood is Josh Adams and Rio Dyer will line up on the wings against Scotland, but in the absence of Liam Williams and Leigh Halfpenny, Gatland may have planned to select Rees-Zammit at full-back.

He may now have to go with a less experience­d option at full-back, although Cardiff’s Winnett is set to miss the first two games with a jaw injury.

But at a time when Welsh rugby is struggling on and off the field the loss of a true rugby superstar in ReesZammit has done Wales no favours.

New captain

IN the absence of Lake and Morgan due to injury Gatland has put faith in the 21-year-old Jenkins.

Gatland is a big fan of the abrasive star who has been developing nicely for Wales since making his debut in

the shock defeat to Georgia in November 2022.

Jenkins has captained Exeter on a number of occasions and is a natural leader of men.

More importantl­y Jenkins is an outstandin­g player with a real physical presence in the side.

Talk to any player in the Wales squad and they’ll tell you when Jenkins talks you listen.

What this also tells us is that Jenkins is now seen as a first-choice player, meaning either Adam Beard or Will Rowlands will start on the bench.

Looking ahead Gatland has a healthy pool of leaders in his pack who will be around for years to come in the shape of Jenkins, Lake and Morgan.

Fresh blood in the front-row

BY far the biggest shift from his World Cup squad comes in the front-row.

Gatland has taken a gamble by not selecting experience­d scrum anchor Tomas Francis, Harlequins tighthead Dillon Lewis and former England prop Henry Thomas.

This could partly be down to the fact they are all based outside of Wales and would be unavailabl­e for the training camp leading up to the Six Nations, while they would also have to go back to their clubs on the fallow weekends.

Arguably the most eye-catching selection in the entire squad was the inclusion of uncapped Bath tighthead Archie Griffin.

The 23-year-old is third-choice tighthead at the Rec, but Gatland clearly sees potential in the former Wales U20s prop who has scrummaged well for Bath when given an opportunit­y.

It is likely Kieran Assiratti will initially start the Championsh­ip as Wales’ first choice tighthead after he impressed Gatland during the World Cup training squad.

Wales have been in desperate need of finding a destructiv­e scrummagin­g tighthead to succeed Francis and he is likely to have overlooked the more experience­d Lewis who is not as strong in the set-piece.

Young Scarlets loosehead Kemsley Mathias has also been given a golden opportunit­y to make his mark on the internatio­nal stage, while Gatland has also rolled the dice by selecting young Cardiff hooker Evan Lloyd.

It goes without saying achieving parity at the set-piece is crucial and there will be a big onus on whoever is selected at tighthead because the opposition will inevitably target

Wales’ inexperien­ce in this area.

In Lake’s absence Ryan Elias is now undoubtedl­y one of Wales’ most valuable players.

New caps

THERE are five new caps in the squad with Gatland having to find the right balance between selecting a squad which can compete in the Six Nations and looking ahead to the next World Cup.

Cardiff duo Martin and Mann have performed very well at regional level this season but are very raw. Martin has all the attributes to become a top end internatio­nal player and is historical­ly the type of back-rower Gatland likes. The 20-year-old is a real physical specimen who can carry, while his handling is also top notch.

Mann is a real grafter in the Dan Lydiate mould, the type of player who does the unseen dirty work which allows others to thrive.

It’s possible neither player will see any action during the course of the Six Nations, and this may be Gatland’s way of gently integratin­g them into the squad.

Cardiff full-back Winnett’s chances of figuring against Scotland has gone up with the absence of Rees-Zammit.


IT’S also a new era at outside-half with Dan Biggar and Gareth Anscombe no longer available.

Gatland will put his faith in Sam Costelow, with Cai Evans and Ioan Lloyd also options.

All three players are extremely talented footballer­s but the question mark will surround their ability to run a game at internatio­nal level, and whether they can cope with the pressure.

Perhaps the most satisfying selection of the lot from a supporters perspectiv­e is that of mercurial Scarlets playmaker Lloyd.

The 22-year-old is arguably the most naturally gifted player in Welsh rugby, and is someone who can conjure up opportunit­ies out of nothing.

Lloyd’s preferred position is outside-half but with Halfpenny, Williams and Rees-Zammit now out of the picture, and Winnett injured, the Scarlets man could even wear the number 15 shirt against Scotland.

It’s important the Welsh public show the same amount of faith in Costelow as Gatland has.

 ?? ?? Louis Rees-Zammit’s decision came as a bombshell yesterday
Louis Rees-Zammit’s decision came as a bombshell yesterday
 ?? ?? Warren Gatland was able to retain a smile on a remarkable day
Warren Gatland was able to retain a smile on a remarkable day
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Exeter lock Dafydd Jenkins will lead Wales into the Six Nations
Exeter lock Dafydd Jenkins will lead Wales into the Six Nations

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