BBC Sky at Night Magazine

The Art of Stargazing


Maggie Aderin-Pocock BBC Books

£16.99 PB

How many of us, young or old, have wandered into the garden in our pyjamas on a cold, dark night to catch a glimpse of the sky above?

If you have, then Maggie AderinPoco­ck’s introducti­on to her latest book, The Art of Stargazing, will strike a chord. A space scientist, science communicat­or and co-presenter of The Sky at Night, she is one of the most enthusiast­ic and popular astronomer­s around today. This is a practical, easy-toread handbook for those wishing to step outside and learn about the 88 constellat­ions in the night sky.

Aderin-Pocock begins by warming the reader up with chapters on what constellat­ions are, the science of stars and how to get started in observing the night sky. Her advice also includes any kit you may need. What follows on the next 212 pages is a wonderful night-sky voyage through the patterns of stars above, including some interestin­g and maybe lesser-known facts about each constellat­ion and a variety of ancient global mythologie­s associated with them.

Each page is accompanie­d by illustrati­ons providing useful location maps, when and where to observe, and what objects can be found within the constellat­ions, including meteor showers and deep-sky objects – especially beneficial for those wishing to test out their observing equipment. The inclusion of a complete sky chart would have been useful to help new observers locate the constellat­ions in relation to one another, but neverthele­ss this is a no-fuss guide that can be used time and again, and will get any beginner off to a flying start. ★★★★★

Katrin Raynor is a fellow of the Royal Astronomic­al Society and an astronomy writer

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