Scunthorpe Telegraph

Boy’s dreams take flight



A LOCAL teen in care has fulfilled his dream by starting his flying career with a special tour of a flight academy.

Mo and his foster family were greeted at Humberside Airport by a pilot from Eastern Airways - who invited the teen for the experience. They were given an insightful tour, shown a variety of planes and given lessons on how they operated.

Mo was then given the chance to sit in the cockpit of a plane, and learn more about flying - and it was his first time ever stepping onto a plane.

In the afternoon, Mo had the chance to give flying a go for real. He did a fantastic job listening to the briefing and made sure to ask lots of questions to the pilot.

Mo was in total awe of the planes, pilots and surroundin­gs during a truly inspiratio­nal day experience­d by all involved and hasn’t stopped talking about it.

He is extremely keen to get back in the air and develop his career aspiration­s with work experience alongside his studies.

The experience was held for Mo by Eastern Airways, Aeroschool at

Humberside Airport and Councillor Richard Hannigan, who is a teacher at the academy.

The cabinet member for adults and health said: “As soon as I heard about Mo, his story and passion for aviation, I wanted to work together to give him a chance to experience the air from a plane at Aeroschool.

“Having taught there for a number of years, I was excited to see how he would fare in the plane – being aware of his surroundin­gs, his first lesson went brilliantl­y.

“It was an honour and privilege to take him on his very first flight. He was a pleasure to work with and I hope he is further inspired to follow a career in aviation.”

Throughout his exciting tour, Mo was awestruck by the facilities that he saw throughout the day - with the tour giving him further aspiration­s to work in the industry.

Mo said: “The day was amazing.

Thank you so much, I loved it and want to go back up in the air straight away.”

To find out more about fostering in North Lincolnshi­re and how your organisati­on could become fostering friendly, championin­g fostering in the community, contact the Fostering team by emailing fosteringf­riendlysch­eme@ north, calling 01724 297024 or visit the fostering webpage to find out more.

 ?? NORTH LINCOLNSHI­RE COUNCIL ?? Teenager Mo was invited to Eastern Airways Aeroschool chool at Humberside Airport
NORTH LINCOLNSHI­RE COUNCIL Teenager Mo was invited to Eastern Airways Aeroschool chool at Humberside Airport
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