Scunthorpe Telegraph

Orders pour in after break-in at fudge makers


- By DEBORAH HALL @DeborahHal­l15

A SCUNTHORPE fudge business has had to ramp up production in the wake of a raid on the shop.

Want That Fudge UK’s Peter and Claire Brennan discovered the break-in when they turned up for work on Monday morning.

Burglars had forced doors, smashed a window and left a trail of destructio­n in the shop that they only opened four months ago, in Birkdale Road.

The kitchen where they cook the hand-made, fudge-based treats was largely unaffected, however. As soon as police crime scene investigat­ors had finished their work, the Want That Fudge team was back in and cooking up a storm.

A post on the business’s Facebook page said: “We are working so fast and long hours to try and get caught up, we want to get your delicious treats to you asap! Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity, we have been astounded by it.”

Orders that had been put in just before the break-in are now mostly fulfilled and in the post.

Want That Fudge is reopened the shop last Friday.

Peter told Grimsby Live: “When it happened, everyone was asking how they could support us.

“We put a message out to say that the best way was to put an order in – and it’s exactly what happened.

“It’s been a mad few days. The orders have come from all over the country. Our shop is open again so locals can pop in again.”

Peter said the first he knew of the burglary was when he arrived for work and saw a police car in the car park of the business estate. “Our doors had been forced open and the window was smashed – I realised the other units were the same.

“The premises across from ours is a window manufactur­er and they have sorted out new windows for everybody. Everyone has come together to support each other.”

The burglars had emptied a drinks fridge and thrown sweets onto the floor and taken some more of the stock, and “crowbarred” a till out of the shop counter. “We managed to get back in at about 4pm on Monday and had a tidy-up; we were back at work the next day.

“Really we’d like to thank all our customers for their support and nice words, and our neighbours.”

Humberside Police said officers discovered 12 business units had been broken into, with damage caused and items of value taken, after reports of a burglary in the early hours of Monday morning.

They have appealed for anybody who may have seen anything suspicious, has CCTV or dashcam footage that may assist lines of enquiry, to contact the non-emergency number 101 quoting log 69 of 19 August.

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 ?? ?? Back in production - fudgemakin­g under way a day after the break-in at Want That Fudge UK, Scunthorpe
Back in production - fudgemakin­g under way a day after the break-in at Want That Fudge UK, Scunthorpe
 ?? ?? Latest batch of fudge pies made by Want That Fudge UK
Latest batch of fudge pies made by Want That Fudge UK

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