Scunthorpe Telegraph

Scunthorpe Jobcentre Plus supports a New start for Jobseeker



JOHN unfortunat­ely had to leave his job due to his health. This didn’t stop him from considerin­g different types of work that might suit him better.

John claimed Universal credit and regularly attended his appointmen­ts with his work coach in the Scunthorpe Jobcentre and was always considerin­g his options and taking opportunit­ies available at the time.

He started volunteeri­ng at Mind in January 2024. Volunteeri­ng is a great way of learning new skills while looking for work or alongside work.

John continued to look for work and was open to the support from the jobcentre.

During one of these meetings John asked for help completing a lengthy applicatio­n form. He was referred to Tom, a work coach who has the autonomy to support people at short notice with help getting work.

John attended the meeting and had coaching on completing a competency-based applicatio­n form, he also had a conversati­on regarding how to be at his best in an interview.

A mock interview was booked for the following Tuesday with a provider who regularly attends the Scunthorpe office to provide this support and John had secured himself an interview for the following day.

John has since been helped with the Flexible Support Fund for Travel costs to get him to interviews, interview clothes, haircut, and trainers suitable for work.

He received two job offers and accepted and started work with them both as the hours were compatible. John said: “The job centre has helped me a lot on my journey back into work, they have given me advice and support, helped with CV’S, given me mock interviews, helped with finances such as paying for bus fares to and from interviews or my work search, and providing shoes for interviews and trainers for my new job.

They have been helpful, and you get out what you put in, if you’re willing to find employment they’ll do everything they can to help you.”

Tom who see’s customers in immediate need for possible work said: “I am developing this role as a new offer and so far it has shown great success for several of our customers who need that immediate extra support.

“John was one of those successes. I hope this can continue to support more of our North Lincolnshi­re customers to move forward in their work journey”.

Tom supports those that need help on a deadline with things such as:

■ Intensive job support

■ CV rework

■ Cover letters

■ Emergency Flexible Support Funding to start work or attend an interview

■ Mock interviews

■ Employer research

■ Help with applicatio­ns

Anne Brewster spokespers­on for North Lincolnshi­re Jobcentres said: “We are always listening to our customers and adapting to their needs when it comes to looking for work.

“Employers need people to be reacting quickly to their jobs and this new service supports our customers with that.

“As John said, there is so much support for people who are looking for work, and although John has a health condition this has not deterred him from some work. Work is about what you can do.

“If you do have a health condition and are looking for work then Access to work may support you, visit,

“There is also the Health Adjustment passport, a form you can complete with adjustment­s you need depending on your individual circumstan­ces, this can support your conversati­ons with employers, for more visit, government/publicatio­ns/ health-adjustment-passport

Any employer who is recruiting may be interested in talking to a local, named Employer Advisor who can tailor the support to your recruitmen­t needs.

“If you want to know more please contact, Scunthorpe. Employerte­ and someone will get back to you.

“This was a great outcome for John and as John says, there is a lot of help for you if you are willing to consider different options and be willing to work openly with your work coach.”

 ?? ?? Work coach, Tom
Work coach, Tom

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