Scunthorpe Telegraph

BANOFFEE PIE (Serves 12-24)



For the biscuit base:

250g digestive biscuits; 100g unsalted butter, melted; 5g/1tsp cacao nibs; 2 bananas (approx. 120g each with skin on), peeled and sliced

For the caramel layer:

1 x 397g can ready-made caramel; pinch of Maldon or flaky salt; 220ml double cream, lightly whipped to soft peaks For the cream topping: 400ml double cream; pinch of Maldon or flaky salt; 1tbsp caster sugar For the caramelise­d bananas:

50g caster sugar; 2tbsp dark rum; 4 bananas (approx. 120g each with skin on), peeled and sliced diagonally; 20g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), to finish


1. For the biscuit base, crush the biscuits into breadcrumb­s. Tip the biscuit crumbs into a bowl and stir through the melted butter. Tip the crumb mix into a 25 centimetre pie dish and press with the back of a metal spoon to form an even layer over the bottom of the dish, bringing the crumb mix a touch up the sides, too.

2. Sprinkle over the cacao nibs and layer over the bananas. Set aside.

3. Tip the caramel into a bowl and gently beat until smooth, then sprinkle in the salt and fold in the whipped cream. Pour this over the bananas, then chill in the fridge for one hour.

4. In a bowl, lightly whip the cream with the salt and sugar until soft peaks form. Spread over the top of the pie in an even layer. Return to the fridge while you make the caramelise­d bananas.

5. Line the baking tray with baking paper. Put the sugar into a frying pan and cook over a medium heat until melted, then continue to cook, swirling the pan occasional­ly, until the sugar has caramelise­d to a deep amber colour. Carefully pour in the rum and let it sizzle, then add in the banana slices and toss in the caramel.

6. Remove from the heat, then spoon the bananas onto the lined baking tray. Leave to cool.

7. To finish, top the pie with the caramelise­d bananas, then grate the chocolate over. Serve immediatel­y in slices.

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