Scunthorpe Telegraph

Planning approval for 350 homes at former RAF base


- By IVAN MORRIS POXTON Local Democracy Reporter ivan.morrispoxt­

PLANS for 350 homes in North Lincolnshi­re on the site of a former RAF airbase have been approved.

A hybrid applicatio­n, involving full permission for 130 homes and outline for 220, was considered by North Lincolnshi­re Council’s planning committee on Wednesday, January 10.

Despite unhappines­s that it will not contribute S106 cash or have any affordable homes, it was approved.

New site owners LandIS are behind the new applicatio­n. Initial permission was given in 2018 to Green Meadow Limited for 302 homes, but it lapsed three years ago with nothing built.

An agent on behalf of LandIS emphasised that they are specialist­s in unlocking difficult, previously developed-on sites. The land is also identified for housing in the council’s Local Plan.

Since the last applicatio­n’s lack of progress, “the sites and buildings have significan­tly deteriorat­ed over this period, and has been subject to repeat vandalism and break-ins”, said the agent.

Granting permission would “help the authority from speculativ­e applicatio­ns on greenfield sites”. It would deliver an effective housing scheme that respected the area’s historic character.

A heritage informatio­n board will be provided, over three hectares of public open space created, and there will be a 600sqm two-and-a-half-storey building for commercial, business or service (Class E) use.

It will also keep its grade two-listed Sector Operations Building, used during the Second World War.

As the applicatio­n has developed, the possible reuse of this as a satellite doctor’s surgery has also emerged. A new second access road to the B1400 is also planned in the second half of the developmen­t.

Ridge ward Cllr David Garritt generally supported the developmen­t, but was concerned about one aspect. Building consultant­s Spawforths provided an independen­t financial viability report for the proposals. This concluded it was not viable unless there were no affordable homes, or infrastruc­ture funding contributi­ons of it under an S106 agreement.

Carter Jonas had also come to the same conclusion in their independen­t viability report for the council. “Financial contributi­ons need to be maximised, while maintainin­g viability,” said Cllr Garritt. He relaid Kirton Lindsey Town Council’s objection to the lack of S106 cash. These included that there is a lack of affordable, social rent, starter homes and bungalows within the town.

The doctor’s surgery and primary school are also already at capacity, the town council submitted.

Cllr Garritt wanted some means to reassess later if S106 cash could be required of the developers. Labour Cllr Mick Grant, who was furious last time this occurred, suggested the council had changed Welcome to North Lincolnshi­re signs to say developers did not have to pay S106 cash. He sharply criticised his Conservati­ve planning committee fellow members and developers trying to get out of S106 cash contributi­ons, saying: “I think it’s scandalous. It’s not just you I’m having a go at, it’s all the other developers. It’s wrong, it’s scandalous, it should not be allowed.”

“Oh, a discussion about viability S106 agreements, I feel like Christmas has come,” joked Labour Cllr Max Bell, who shared opposition to the precedent set before.

The Kirton 350 homes scheme was approved, with Cllrs Darryl Southern and Bell opposed.

POLICE were called to Sainsbury’s petrol station in Scunthorpe after a youth reportedly threatened staff with a knife.

The young man, described as being in his late teens, entered the premises, off Doncaster Road, at around 5.55pm on New Year’s Day. It is reported that he was armed with a knife and threatened staff members while he demanded money from the till.

He then allegedly fled the scene in the direction of Doncaster Road.

Humberside Police say their investigat­ion into the incident is ongoing and witnesses are encouraged to come forward.

Detective Inspector Darren Gray said: “I’d like to offer my reassuranc­e to the community that we take reports like this very seriously. Our investigat­ion is ongoing, and we are following extensive lines of enquiry to identify the person involved in the incident.

“Anyone who has informatio­n that may assist with our enquiries can contact us on our non-emergency number 101, quoting log 522 of January 1.”

Alternativ­ely you can contact Crimestopp­ers anonymousl­y on 0800 555111.

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Plans have been submitted to build 230 homes at the former RAF airfield at Kirton in Lindsey
Plans have been submitted to build 230 homes at the former RAF airfield at Kirton in Lindsey
 ?? ?? Sainsbury’s petrol station off Doncaster Road, Scunthorpe
Sainsbury’s petrol station off Doncaster Road, Scunthorpe

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