Scottish Field


Some say there’s nothing new in Scotch whisky. Borders say, think again.


The Borders Distillery (TBD) is pushing the boundaries when it comes to the world of whisky. As the first Scotch distillery in the Scottish Borders since 1837 TB7 produce gin, vodka, and whisky from locally grown barley.

The distillery is an award-winning conversion of Hawick’s former electrical works, a prominent landmark in the town since 1903. Thousands of whisky fans visit every year, enjoying the sunny and airy feel beneath the glass roofs of the Mash and Still Houses.

The distillery’s founders have a keen sense of environmen­tal and social responsibi­lity and wanted to support regenerati­on efforts in their corner of rural Scotland. Rather than erect a new-build on the town’s outskirts, they chose to invest in refurbishi­ng an existing building in the heart of the town, creating employment opportunit­ies and a tourist attraction. The distillery opened in March 2018.

In 2022, TB7 released an experiment­al line with the launch of their Workshop Series. CoFounder

and Managing Director, ohn Fordyce, said 'The Workshop Series is about respecting the rules but challengin­g the status quo.' All the whiskies in the series are one-off, never to be produced again blends.

Kerr’s Gin is the distillery’s award-winning gin. It is the only Scottish gin made with malted barley spirit in a Carterhead Still, which gently steams the botanicals used rather than boiling them like most other gin stills, making for more subtle aromas and complex ˫avours. The gin is inspired by the accomplish­ed 19th century, Hawick-born botanist, William Kerr.

The Borders Distillery is open for tours from April 2024 7uring this unique tour, you will be guided through production areas by a team of distillers. Learn the whisky making process from the people who make it, and find out how TB7 use local barley to craft their Borders spirits. CONTACT

Tel: 01450 374330, Hawick, TD9 7AQ, @theborders­distillery, theborders­

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