Scottish Field

Try your hand


FISH PAKORA Serves 2-4 as a starter or snack

This is the recipe we used at The Clove Club as one of our snacks.

Ingredient­s For the spice mix

10g Cumin

18g Ground coriander 3g Cassia bark or cinnamon 0.4g Clove

3.5g Cardamon green 2g Fenugreek

5g Fennel seed

8g Black pepper

2g Cayenne

1g Curry leaf

For the dipping sauce

200g Greek yoghurt, not strained 40g Ketchup

25g Chilli sauce

For the pakora batter

2g Baking soda

40g Rice flour

150g Gram flour

40g Buttermilk

250g Water

2g finely chopped green chilli 2g finely grated ginger 2g finely chopped coriander 4g spice mix (no salt)

White Fish - 600g of fish fillets

2 litres Vegetable oil for frying. 1 lemon to serve


Make your spice mix. Weigh out the spices above and put in a heavy pan over a low heat. •

Stir and shake around for 3-4 mins until the spices warm a little (any you have that are already ground – don’t add to the pan, just stir into the others after you grind them). Place them all in a spice grinder and grind until fine. Store in an empty glass jar with a screw top, the recipe will make more than you need. •

Next up take 10g of the spice mix, and add 20g of fine sea salt. Dry the fish fillets well, and then season on both sides, a little more than you think you need to, with the salt/spice mix. Leave for 30 mins, then cut into fingers around the size of thin fish fingers. • To make the dipping sauce, mix all the ingredient­s, adding a pinch of salt. You can use more or less chilli sauce as you want. • Weigh out the ingredient­s for the pakora batter. Mix all the dry ingredient­s, add the buttermilk, then whisk in the water to make a batter about the consistenc­y of pouring cream, or slightly thicker. Stir in the chilli, coriander and ginger. •

Heat the oil to 180 degrees C in a heavy based pot. When it is ready a little bit of the batter flicked into it will sink a cm or two before rising up and bubbling on the surface. •

When the oil is hot start to fry one by one, dipping the fish into the batter and slowly swirling it from side to side in the oil before releasing, this means the batter will form a crust and won’t sink to the bottom and get stuck to the base of the pan. •

Fry three or four pieces at a time for around two minutes or until light golden brown. Lightly season the fried pakora with the salt/ spice mix. Repeat with the other pieces until it is all fried. • Serve with wedges of lemon and bowls of the dipping sauce.

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