Scottish Field


The Torrance Gallery to exhibit Daniel Campbell, Peter Foyle and Ken Ferguson this Spring along with a showcase at the Borders Art Fair


Edinburgh residents and visiting aesthetes can look forward to a busy and dynamic programme from Dundas Street-based Torrance Gallery this Spring.

Starting 10 February, Glasgow-born artist Daniel Campbell's recognisab­le bold, vivid and eclectic artworks will be on display until ࠁ ¡arch for his first ever Fdinburgh solo exhibition. From 9 to 30 March, Peter Foyle and Ken Ferguson will be in joint exhibition that celebrates their unique styles that complement and contrast.

Danny Campbell paintings often start with a sketch, capturing the likeness and essence of each subject while adding his own distinct and vivid style. His works include bright city landscapes, colourful ˫orals and forest scenes, including his popular birch series, and vibrant West Coast landscapes.

Troon-based Peter Foyle paints almost exclusivel­y using oil on linen, bringing to life the distinguis­hable urban and rural landscapes of France and Italy, but also the evocative Scottish scenery closer to home. In 1990, Peter opened up the Framework Gallery in Troon featuring Scottish artists and offering picture framing services.

Based in Innerleith­en, Ken Ferguson primarily paints watercolou­r scenes of Scotland's rugged Highlands, peaks and coastlines. Danny uses a limited palette to translate each landscape, setting a tranquil tone and mood that is distinct to his works that often feature snowscapes.

All three beloved contempora­ry artists have a discernibl­e love for Scotland and its diverse landscape, translated using different mediums and styles. Patrons can view their interpreta­tions of this bonny land with an emphasis on Fdinburgh࢛based pieces exclusive to the Torrance Gallery during each exhibition this Spring.

From 15 to 17 March, the Torrance Gallery will be at the Borders Art Fair, showcasing their range artworks featuring an diverse and unusual range of subjects from both acclaimed artists and emerging talent.

The Torrance Gallery was founded in 1970 by the Torrance family before Fdinburgh Drawing School owner Fiona McCrindle took it over in 2019. She continues to maintain the gallery's long establishe­d relationsh­ips and programme with Scottish Contempora­ry artists while fostering and exhibiting young and emerging Scottish and representa­tional artists.

The gallery offers picture framing through Fdinburgh rts along with wedding list services and gift vouchers. Usually open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 5.30pm, they will be trialling opening Mondays for the next three months.

 ?? ?? FROM TOP LEFT: 'Castle from the Gardens', Daniel Campbell; 'Stillness', Ken Ferguson; 'Castle Street, Edinburgh', Peter Foyle; 'Poppies and Daisies', Daniel Campbell.
FROM TOP LEFT: 'Castle from the Gardens', Daniel Campbell; 'Stillness', Ken Ferguson; 'Castle Street, Edinburgh', Peter Foyle; 'Poppies and Daisies', Daniel Campbell.
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