Scottish Field



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The writer of the Star Letter will receive a bottle of Laurent-Perrier Cuvée Rosé.

I've just recently come across your magazine and am very impressed with the topics regarding my favourite wee drinks.

As a Dundonian living in a housing estate I was always a beer drinker, as whisky was for those either with plenty money or too old to handle a lot of beer.

However my career in horticultu­re took me all over the UK. I lived in several towns in England before slowly finding my way back to Dundee.

Whilst in England in the pub I always asked for a beer, but very frequently got the reply, 'Jock, you're Scottish, you must have a whisky'. I replied, 'Nah, just a beer, please'. But then a whisky would appear alongside my beer.

Being Scottish we never waste anything, so

I had to drink that whisky. This pattern happened so many times in all sorts of towns that slowly I got used to the whisky, and as I got older I started to enjoy it.

Now, as age brings its own problems, I can't handle a lot of beer, so whisky became my normal tipple. Word gets around and when birthdays, Christmas Day and Father's Day come round, the gifts are always a bottle of malt.

I got married a few years ago and all the wedding gifts were different brands of malt whisky. When I laid these gifts out on a table it looked so good that, as I am now an artist, I just had to do a few whisky paintings. Below are a few such paintings that I thought might be of interest.

John Stoa, Dundee

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