Rochdale Observer

Duo brought out best in popular tunes



TIM Kennedy began his musical career singing for Her Late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, as a treble at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, before becoming a music scholar at Winchester College and then organ scholar at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.

He has now been based in Manchester for more than 15 years pursuing a multi-faceted career not only as a tenor soloist but also a talented pianist (including being a staff accompanis­t at the RNCM) and organist.

It was his gifts as a tenor that we enjoyed today. (Visit: www.tim-kennedy.

Joanna Garcia gained a First-class Honours degree from Manchester University, followed by postgradua­te diplomas from the RNCM, plus prizes for outstandin­g achievemen­t.

She subsequent­ly became a staff accompanis­t at these institutio­ns and at Chetham’s and remains a freelance staff pianist at the RNCM.

Meantime she also had a successful career in school teaching.

Joanna proved to be a strong joint-interprete­r and sensitive and sympatheti­c concert partner.

The opening song, When lovers meet again, showed the romantic side of C. Hubert Parry (who was best known for writing ‘Jerusalem’).

The romantic theme continued with two arias from the Baroque composer Antonio Caldara.

In a charming Irish interlude, we had two different settings of WB Yeats’s poem The Lake Isle of Innisfree by Richard

Farrelly and Muriel Herbert.

These were separated by Danny Boy by Fred Weatherly, sung a cappella most effectivel­y.

We enjoyed impeccable German in lieder by Schubert and Schumann and French with Lydia and Les

Berceaux by Faure. Also, in more popular idioms, The sunshine of your smile by Lilian Ray, Fly home, little heart by Ivor Novello and She by Charles Aznavour.

These two accomplish­ed musicians raised these popular C20 songs to the fine compositio­ns that they truly are.

Tim’s soaring lyrical tenor voice resounded beautifull­y in the acoustic at St Mary in the Baum throughout the varied styles and periods, supported superbly by Joanna.

 ?? ?? ●●Tim Kennedy and Joanna Garcia
●●Tim Kennedy and Joanna Garcia

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