Rochdale Observer

Street drinking and off-roaders are spaced out

New order threatens court and £100 fines


PEOPLE in Rochdale caught drinking in the street - or riding off-road bikes - could be slapped with a £100 fine... and could find themselves in court.

A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) has been implemente­d by the council, with boozing and driving ‘mechanical­ly propelled’ vehicles to cause trouble banned.

The three-year PSPO was initially approved, pending public consultati­on, at a town hall meeting back in March.

The consultati­on was run between April 3 and June 25, with 1,191 responses overwhelmi­ngly in favour of the plan.

Of the residents responding to the survey, 86.65 per cent responded yes to ‘prohibit the consumptio­n of alcohol in public spaces’ and 93.7 per cent responded yes to ‘prohibit the use of MPVS on public spaces and open land’.

Following this the council has now put the plan into action, meaning those who breach the order could find themselves in trouble with the authoritie­s.

Council papers highlighte­d that a total of 310 reported incidents of offroad vehicles such as motorbikes, scooters and quad bikes causing a problem in the borough between January and December 2023.

The latest town hall meeting on August 27 heard how the main problems caused by off-road bikes are the loud noises they cause as well as the continuing damage inflicted on public spaces.

In some scenarios this has led to paths and parks not being available for public use due to the damage, cabinet was told.

Greater Manchester Police data shared in the meeting papers showed that 79 incidents in relation to anti-social behaviour involving alcohol were recorded between January and December 2023.

Chief superinten­dent for Rochdale police Danny Inglis, present at the meeting at Number One Riverside, told the cabinet: “Young people riding need to know offroad bikes can give you points [on your licence] before you even get a licence.

“Lots of people riding off-road bikes see this as just a bit of fun. We want to make it very clear the consequenc­es of this. What I am trying to balance is that we are firm but fair.

“But there are certain behaviours where we all know it’s not acceptable.”

Coun Susan Smith explained that youths wearing black masks and balaclavas were causing trouble in the Langley area of Middleton and asked to include that in the PSPO.

She added that they can get away with their crimes because they can’t be identified.

The idea of including the use of balaclavas in public spaces is something that the council will look at in the future if problems continue, the meeting heard.

Coun Shah Wazir said Yorkshire Street sees street drinkers intimidati­ng locals.

 ?? ?? ●the new Public Spaces Protection Order introduced in Rochdale bans street drinking and riding off-road bikes
●the new Public Spaces Protection Order introduced in Rochdale bans street drinking and riding off-road bikes

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