Rochdale Observer



●●SUMMER of M24 Presents - Chameleons and Middleton Supports (August 31)

The Chameleons return to Middleton after decades. Performing at Summer of M24 - Middleton’s Community Wealth Building Festival.

All proceeds will go towards grass roots music/venue developmen­t in Middleton, with all support acts from M24 too.

Cost: From £33. Time: 6.30pm - doors open at 6pm. Address: Middleton Arena, Lance Corporal Joel Halliwell VC Way, Middleton, Manchester M24 1AG. Visit the website.

●●WHITWORTH Rushcart (September 1)

Featuring numerous traditiona­l morris dance troupes (including the famous Britannia Coconutter­s and the

Whitworth Morris Men) and will travel up the main road, led by the Rushcart itself, arriving at the Ashcroft at approximat­ely 1.20pm.

From 1.15pm until 4.30pm, the car park of The Ashcroft will be cordoned off for stalls, entertainm­ents, and performanc­es from the various morris dancing troupes including the Whitworth Rushcart Men and the Britannia Coconutter­s, plus the Whitworth Vale and Healey Youth Band.

St Bartholome­w’s Church will be providing traditiona­l hot food as well as Bombay Brew’s Mama Chilli’s food truck, and the Ashcroft bar will be open for liquid refreshmen­ts.

There will also be an arts and craft fair, featuring a variety of artisan stalls in the Ashcroft main hall.

There will also be rides, children’s crafts and other entertainm­ents. All are welcome.

The Whitworth Rushcart is one of only four such celebratio­ns which still take place in the UK, the others being in Sowerby Bridge, Littleboro­ugh and Saddlewort­h.

Whitworth’s cart is unique in that it is the only one in the UK to be covered in beautiful local heather that is in bloom at this time of year, collected by the Whitworth Rushcart Men from the moors above Darwen before the event; Rushcarts in the other areas are covered with rushes or tatters of cloth.

Cost: Free. Time: 1-4.30pm. Phone: Whitworth Town Council Office 01706 852018. Starting at Whitworth Museum, North Street, OL12 8RA. Proceeding to The Ashcroft, Market Street, Whitworth OL12 8DP

●●POETRY Cafe (September 3)

All poetry lovers are welcome to read or listen. Running on the first Tuesday of the month. Email lizwhitear­t@ or Seamus@ onepoetvis­

Time: 6-8pm. Address: Coffee on the Corner, Hare Hill Road, Littleboro­ugh, OL15


●●TOAD Lane Concerts Rochdale’s Weekly Music at Lunchtime (September 4)

This week the concert hosts Voci Voices: Elizabeth Ambrose, Margaret Ferguson sopranos, Eric Cymbir tenor, Mackenzie Paget baritone, and Jonathan Ellis piano.

The concert series has been held at St Mary’s since 2001 and was granted the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in


Running every Wednesday, Music at Lunchtime is a weekly live classical music concert series that has been going since the 1960s.

The sessions were initially run at the old Rochdale Art Gallery by the local authority, but since May 2001 have been run by volunteer-enthusiast­s and artistic director, Dr Joe Dawson.

Cost: £6. Time: Doors open 12noon, concert starts

12.30-1.30pm. Phone: Dr Joe Dawson 01706 648872. Address: St Mary in the Baum, Toad Lane/st Mary’s Gate, Rochdale OL16 1DZ.

●●ROCHDALE Photograph­ic Society (September 4)

Tonight’s session - Digital KO - Judge Adrian Hendley

CPAGB. The group meets every Wednesday at Rochdale Unitarian Church, starting at

7.30pm prompt (doors open from 7.15pm).

The door is kept locked so please ring the bell on arrival.

If you would like to see the club for yourself and meet the members, you are welcome to attend as a guest for up to three weeks before committing to membership.

Annual subscripti­on is £36 for single or £46 for joint membership.

A weekly room fee of £2.50 is also payable on arrival at the meeting. Refreshmen­ts are


Cost: £2.50 for room fee. Time: Doors open 7.15pm,

7.30pm start. Address: Rochdale Unitarian Church, Clover Street, Rochdale OL12 6TP.

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