Rochdale Observer

It’s all ale and party as brewery marks first year


BRÍD’S Cross Brewing celebrated their first birthday on August 23 at The Baum, Rochdale, with a tap takeover featuring seven of their cask ales.

The seven ales were Hickling Ghost (Hazy Pale Ale), Baum Rabbit (Pale Ale), Devil in the Fireplace (American Brown Ale), Ash & Elm (American Pale), Andraste’s Hare (Golden Ale), Under the Eildon Tree (WC IPA) and Imperial Shuck (Imperial Stout)

The day started with typical bank holiday blustery winds and a downpour, but in true Brit weather fashion, soon turned into a lovely sunny (warmish) afternoon and evening.

A special brew for the tap takeover was Imperial Shuck (Imperial Stout 9.1%), served from a wooden cask, which kicked before the night was out.

The pub and beer garden were packed and revellers were queuing out of the door.

People had travelled from all over the UK to celebrate, including: Scotland,

Surrey, Suffolk, Nottingham, Birmingham and London to name but a few.

Some of these were friends of the brewery, but they were thrilled to meet a couple who had first encountere­d Bríd’s Cross at Cask Pub & Kitchen in Pimlico (London) and had made the trip to Rochdale for their Birthday Bash.

Ben Boothman and his

staff dealt amazingly coping with the demand behind the bar, and drafted in another member of staff to cope with the crowd.

Baum regulars were also recruited as glass collectors, especially as the pub ran out of half-pint glasses, such was the popularity of the Imperial Shuck.

The BBQ quickly sold out, but customers finished dancing the night away to music from folk rock band, Morrigan’s Bow who started with a couple of traditiona­l folk songs and finished with well known hits.

Ben, Manager of The Baum, said “Considerin­g the impressive growth of Brid’s Cross Brewing over the last 12 months, we were thrilled when they asked us to host the birthday bash.

“The evenings attendance was so high that we had to incentivis­e some of our regular punters to assist with collecting glasses!

“Seeing old and new faces come together to support a local brewery was truly heartwarmi­ng. The overwhelmi­ng turnout

of people demonstrat­es the brewery’s remarkable achievemen­ts in such a short period of time.”

Sean O’reilly of Bríd’s Cross Brewing said “I am absolutely astounded to see so many people travel from across the UK to be at our first birthday celebratio­ns. I have a lot of people to thank for making it through our first year and being the success it is today.

“Not only those venues willing to take a punt on a new brewery, but beer writers/influencer­s and customers enjoying our brews, recommendi­ng them and being our cheerleade­rs.”

Ruth of Bríd’s Cross Brewing said “I’m immensely proud of Sean, his beautiful brews and all that we have achieved in such a short space of time.

“Two permanent lines within our first year is incredible. Support from venues, breweries, beer profession­als, CAMRA and our customers have helped us grow. We’ll continue to do what we do, and hope everyone enjoys our Ales Inspired by Tales.”

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 ?? ?? ●●Visitors travelled from far and wide to help Bríd’s Cross Brewing celebrate their first birthday at The Baum in Rochdale
●●Visitors travelled from far and wide to help Bríd’s Cross Brewing celebrate their first birthday at The Baum in Rochdale
 ?? ?? ●●Folk rock band, Morrigan’s Bow provided music for revellers to dance to
●●Folk rock band, Morrigan’s Bow provided music for revellers to dance to

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