Record Collector

Chipper Mood

More joyous pop-inflected dance from a fifth of Hot Chip. By Daryl Easlea


Joe Goddard



Domino WIGLP 437 X (CD, LP)

Hot Chip have now been in existence for over two decades: the group remain together thanks to their policy of incorporat­ing all their members’ solo activities into their calendar before reconvenin­g for their next collective communiqué. All five (six with honorary Chipper Rob ‘Grovesnor’ Smoughton) have produced a discrete universe of ornate, heartbroke­n music – from Alexis Taylor’s piano rumination­s to New Build’s (Al Doyle and

Felix Martin) dense, almost prog extravagan­zas.

Joe Goddard has remained the truest to the dancefloor­s throughout his work with 2Bears and NYC vocalist Amy Douglas on the astonishin­g HARDFEELIN­GS album.

Harmonics – 14 tracks of left-of-centre dance music – is Goddard’s third solo album and picks up where 2017’s Electric Lines left off. Now based in his own studio, Goddard has attempted to let his subconscio­us guide him to make freer music with a greater spiritual element. Working in collaborat­ion with Barrie, Fiorious, Jungle’s Tom Mcfarland, Alabaster Deplume, Ibibio Sound Machine, Hayden Thorpe, and with his old band pals Alexis Taylor and Al Doyle, no stone is left unturned: UK garage, house, half-step, hip hop, pop, and disco. Warmth and empathy course through Harmonics – it never sounds any less than all are having a fabulous time. London-based singer Findia brings the Sophie Ellis-bextor on Destiny; Oranje’s rap on When Love’s Out Of Fashion’s is reminiscen­t of early Leftfield; Progress with Ibibio Sound Machine’s Eno Williams is contagious­ly memorable. Hayden Thorpe, who made Unknown Song with Goddard in 2020, returns with Summon, with poignant lines such as “all of the waves that cool your face and bring about redemption began way out in the ocean”. Follow You is nearest to Hot Chip, all downbeat melancholy and heartfelt lyrics. Harmonics is another bold step in the world of the grown-up youth club; old ravers refusing to go gently into that good night, but with a tremendous amount of grace and dignity.

 ?? ?? Joe Goddard: he likes his music as loud as he likes his shirts
Joe Goddard: he likes his music as loud as he likes his shirts
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