Record Collector

John Davis


Singer John Davis on The Folk Implosion’s first studio album in 25 years How come you’re back now? We reconnecte­d during the pandemic, and it took us a few years to finish the album, because we’re busy with other things and live in different parts of the US. It’s 10 songs that began by playing bass and drums together with Lou [Barlow]. It’s different vocally, as we didn’t do any dual lead vocals, and I sing lead on three, which is new. Producer, Scott Solter, brought out different things in our sound with his creative style and editing. Were there any amusing episodes during its creation? We laid the foundation on 15-16 July 2021, the first time that we’d played together in person since 1999. I played drums and Lou the bass, in his attic, uninsulate­d and very hot! That brought a ritual quality to it. Also, I rented a car, but they only had a Ford Mustang red convertibl­e that projected a Mustang hologram on the pavement when you opened the door! We drove it to the studio every day.

How long did the album take?

Two and a half years, as I was working as a teacher and making solo albums, and Lou was touring with Dinosaur Jr and solo touring/recording.

Where have your most successful markets been?

Hudson Valley, and the UK.

Who’s been the biggest help along the way?

Scott Solter pushed us to dig deeper, shaping parts that we recorded separately. My dad died in summer 2022 and that made me resolve to use the time that I have remaining well.

What do you put your longevity down to? Caring about the music, listening to new things, and putting the hours in. As far as the tour goes, we’re trying some new approaches to playing live that are different from what we did in the 90s.

What’d a biopic tag line be?

From Kids to kids.

What’s next?

We’re lifers! We’re talking about writing new material.

The Folk Implosion Walk Thru Me is on Joyful Noise.

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