Record Collector

Hello0, and welcom to RC560


This month I have been collecting gigs. First, I went to see Barry Manilow at the London Palladium, a smorgasbor­d of schmaltz (see review p118). Then, there was Dexys Midnight Runners at Camden’s Koko, where Kevin Rowland told us in no uncertain terms What She’s Like and made ill-advised references to the Gazan crisis. And finally, the culminatio­n, indeed the apotheosis of 21st-century popular global entertainm­ent according to most media outlets in the wake of the concerts: Taylor Swift at Wembley Stadium. On the first of three nights, she enthralled the 90,000-capacity audience – musicians, movie megastars, members of the royal family, not to mention my seven-year-old daughter – with costume changes, immaculate vocals, and a mix of elegiacal and exuberant pop, though young Lester was more impressed by the food stands (me, not so much: 13 quid for a plate of chips? Oi, Swift – noooooo!!!).

To commemorat­e the Coming Of Taytay, we have, this issue, two covers, or two – should I say – versions, reflecting Tay’s two distinct modes/moods (mournful, mad-fer-it). One cover is wispy, ethereal, all Lynchian grey, our heroine cast as the tortured poet; the other, all marauding energy illuminate­d by black and gold, captures the ruthless strategist, mouth agape at her mighty dominion. Inside, there’s a hefty Taylor discograph­y, a How To Buy her music feature, a dissection of her recordings – and re-recordings – and an exploratio­n of the Swift phenomenon, currently on the syllabus at top universiti­es worldwide and soon, we predict, to be the subject of a Victoria & Albert Museum exhibition.

As if that wasn’t exciting enough, the next issue is our 45th anniversar­y special. A hefty affair, it will feature, over 164 pages, all manner of goodies and extras with a 45 theme, such as: 45 stars talking about their all-time favourite 45; a history of the 45, which turns 75 this year; a report on what £45 will buy you, variously, at a record megastore, an independen­t, a car boot, a charity shop and online; 45 top collectabl­es of RC’S lifetime (45 years – geddit?); a litany of classic Liverpool 45s; and features on everyone from David Cassidy to Crass, Gene Clark to Luther Vandross. Plus! You get to read my thoughts on Taylor Swift (remember her?) and the Show they are calling the Greatest On Earth.

Paul Lester

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