Real Homes



is just amazing – I’m all about the fringing! And I chose the sheer roller underneath for privacy. It’s so easy to use and will help make guests feel right at home. For Tom’s office, he liked the Electric Nora Bruschetta Roman blind that can be easily controlled through voice activation via the smart hub, so he can adjust it throughout the day to avoid glare on his computer screen.’ How did you pick the colour scheme for the rooms and your blinds? ‘I always consider the direction a room is facing and how much sunlight it gets. I love colour, and drew on the strong, vibrant and earthy palette and patterns of Morocco for both rooms. When Kevin came armed with fabric sample books, it was easy to choose colours and designs to fit this theme.’ Did you use Hillarys visualiser to help with the process? ‘Once I’d chosen my favourite fabrics, Kevin photograph­ed the windows, then showed me how the blinds would look in the rooms and in motion with the clever visualiser app. This reassured me that my final choices would work. ‘ How much has the blind changed the look and feel of the rooms? ‘It’s not until you’ve got window dressings in place that a room feels finished. The new treatments have added a big pop of texture. Tom’s office is also great now it’s done – having his own space is key to our happy home life. It’s also made the rooms much more usable by allowing us to control the natural light and heat in them.’ 6 What did you do with the time you saved having this extra help? ‘More DIY and renovating – focused on doing the things I’m comfortabl­e with.’

To find out if Hillarys can help you get guest-ready, or add the finishing touch to a room makeover, book a free appointmen­t with your local advisor. Go to for more details.

See Gemma’s design update

 ?? ?? Electric Nora Bruschetta Roman blind
Electric Nora Bruschetta Roman blind
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? A Somfy smart hub helps control your blinds via an app or voice activation
A Somfy smart hub helps control your blinds via an app or voice activation
 ?? ?? The sleek Somfy remote control
The sleek Somfy remote control

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