Real Homes



What does home mean to you? The answer to this question is likely to change as you enter different periods of your life. When you first strike out on your own, be it in university halls, a house or flatshare, home can feel like a convenient base where you sleep or study to fuel a life which largely happens outside. But as you gradually move on to affording a little more space, the pleasure of getting to explore your own decorating or renovation style kicks in, and your home becomes a source of joy in itself.

The past few years have seen a boom in homemakers sharing everything from furniture upcycles and room makeovers to whole house transforma­tions on Instagram – proof, if ever we needed it, of the interest, pride and attentiven­ess we’re giving to our homes. They are a 3D canvas that we’re happy to put on display.

A quick scroll through social media is enough to make us see that one thing that’s certainly blossomed over the past few years is our use of colour. Gone are the days of restrained whites and greys everywhere, as we’re looking to our homes to amplify our happiness, and we’re learning more and more about how this can work.

‘Dopamine decorating’ is the idea of using colours that make you feel good. It has been proven that certain colours make us feel happier or more energised, which is why our style editor, Anna, has pulled together a round-up of bold and bright décor ideas (page 40). From knowing which shades to combine to making an impact for the right reasons, we’re sharing insights from industry experts, offering a hand to hold as you get courageous with colour.

Another great source of happiness, especially in the warmer weather, are our gardens. Getting stuck into the soil can be calming, relieve stress and boost your mood. Jenny Wood delves deep into how gardening can enhance your physical and mental well-being (page 106).

Finally, if you’ve completed a bright and beautiful project that you’re proud of, we’d love to see it! There’s still time to enter our Real Homes Home & Garden of the Year awards. Check out the details on page 35, and tell us how your home or garden transforma­tion has enhanced your life.

Whatever improvemen­ts you’re planning this summer, we hope this issue provides you with the inspiratio­n you need to create a happier home, both inside and out. Enjoy!

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 ?? ?? @ameliahele­nsmith amelia smith co-editor
@ameliahele­nsmith amelia smith co-editor
 ?? ?? @alisonjone­s103 alison jones co-editor
@alisonjone­s103 alison jones co-editor

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