Real Classic


- Laurie Richards

Witley and District Motor Cycle Club members and associates were invited to a special reunion event at the Rural Life Living Museum in celebratio­n of the club’s centenary in June. Nearly 200 past and present members came along to enjoy a day of renewing old friendship­s and making new ones, talking motorcycli­ng, browsing memorabili­a, and visiting the rest of the museum, along with a compliment­ary buffet lunch. The presence of so many enthusiast­s made for a truly memorable occasion.

Over 30 holders of the Silver Badge for service to the club were among those in attendance, and at presentati­on time, Bernard Jay received his Gold Badge for 50 years’ continuous membership. Also on site were over 40 motorcycle­s of all sizes, types and ages – from 1927 to 2023 – and the organisers are particular­ly grateful to all those who provided these machines for everyone to enjoy.

Witley and District MCC has a long, rich history; 100 years of motorcycle sport in Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire. Only a handful of motorcycle clubs still functionin­g in the UK can claim to be as old as or older than Witley MCC. The club has an enviable record of success in running popular, off-road sporting events and the club’s regular participat­ion in Internatio­nal Six Days Enduro is a particular focus. The competitiv­e ethos of the club is complement­ed by an enthusiast­ic road riding section, and we also run several popular social events each year.

Thank you to all of our members and supporters, past and present, who have been such a vital part of our club’s legacy. Details of our sporting and other events may be found at

 ?? ?? Conversati­on around Derek Prior’s 1932 New Imperial Model 30
Marc Green’s very tasty Triumph Wasp outfit
A Douglas MK3S which formerly belonged to the club’s long-time president, GD Brown, was among the machines present
Conversati­on around Derek Prior’s 1932 New Imperial Model 30 Marc Green’s very tasty Triumph Wasp outfit A Douglas MK3S which formerly belonged to the club’s long-time president, GD Brown, was among the machines present
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