Portsmouth News

Gosport all set to be a hub for new Vahana vessels


New Royal Navy boats will be serviced in Gosport, with the local MP praising the investment into the town’s maritime industry.

Sea-class Vahana boats – which will be used for diving, surveying and training operations – will be maintained at Portsmouth Harbour by UK Docks. A total of 35 vessels have been constructe­d as part of a £48m project which began in 2017.

MP Caroline Dinenage was pleased to see her constituen­cy be the home of high-skilled engineerin­g. “The wealth of skills and expertise that we have in Gosport make it an ideal hub in which to base the servicing of Royal Navy workboats,” she added. “UK Docks have always been a great asset to our local economy and I welcome this demonstrat­ion of confidence in them and Gosport’s maritime industry.”

The Ministry of Defence has signed a two-year contract with UK Docks so the vessels can be kept running long term.

Managing director Jonathan Wilson said: “We are delighted to secure this contract, which gives the company the chance to demonstrat­e its ability to provide the high standards and quality of service the Navy demands.”

The Sea-class boats travel at 25 knots on average, being powered by two Yanmar marine diesel engines which range from 350hp to 1000hp and Hamilton Waterjet propulsion. They will be replacing vessels constructe­d in the 1990s.

Royal Navy Commander Peter Ware, fleet navigating officer, said: “The acquisitio­n of Vahana craft has played an important step in the modernisat­ion of a range of operationa­l and enabling capabiliti­es across the UK Defence maritime operating environmen­t and will provide an important platform upon which we can continue to build towards further integratio­n of autonomous systems and delivery of effect in remote environmen­ts.”

UK Docks have always been a great asset to our local economy

 ?? ?? The Sea-class boats will be used to bolster the Royal Navy fleet and support ships. Pictured is HMS Magpie
The Sea-class boats will be used to bolster the Royal Navy fleet and support ships. Pictured is HMS Magpie
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