Portsmouth News

Is a smoking ban fair?


John Howley

It's a personal choice not a dictat. Don't sell to under18s, but other than that it's choice. I gave up in 1991 and finally stopped in 1999 but always feel bad for smokers who are vilified for smoking.

Jeff Gary Evans

Whilst I fully understand why, smoking is a choice. Alcohol next, then meat. Then who knows.

Tracey Devenish

I’m a non-smoker, but I don’t think people should be told what they can do or don’t do. Just be mindful of others around you when you are lighting one up. You will just get your big brother/sister to buy them. Education not enforcemen­t.

Dean Mckay

Yes, the concern should actually be where will the government get the revenue they will lose on taxes?

David Lee Curtis

Excellent law. I've said for years just say anyone born after a certain year should be banned from buying. I think the starting age should start straight away. So glad my daughter cannot legally buy cigarettes.

Angela Hills

I think majority of smokers

wished they had never started as it’s so hard to quit. Therefore it’s a good idea to stop youngsters from starting.

Frank Pearson

The ‘act’ of smoking may be a personal choice; inflicting the resultant smoke on others is not!

Steve Mcpartland

Yes. Started smoking at 11, stopped in my in my 30s, spent a house on smoking in my 20s. Hate vaping, it’s still smoking. Ban it all.

Brian Hopgood

Most young people vape nowadays, just put the price up, will put a lot of people off.

Ian Sands

Focus on vapes, they are what most youngsters take up. Then stop any smoking or vaping where anyone else has to breathe it in.

Melinda Milli Songwar

Excellent. Why would anyone want to let their children be more likely to get cancer? It doesn’t affect any smokers addicted now.

Robert Pickworth

What a disgrace this

country is becoming. You can’t take away people’s choices in life, it’s barbaric.

Martyn James Turp

Absolute crock of rubbish. If people want to smoke, let them smoke. If people want to drink, let them drink. If people want to eat meat, let them eat it. If people suffering from an incurable ailment want to end their life on their terms, let them.

Frank Pearson

“Fair” to the non-smokers who are the majority!

Phil Chambers

How long before they do this with alcohol and fast food?!

Elsie Worrall

What? That's challenge 25 out the window then, more like challenge 75.

George Marsh

Just like everyone stopped doing drugs because drugs are illegal. The govt really thinks banning will solve the problem, in reality it will just push tobacco sales into the hands of criminals and the black market.

Health and Care Portsmouth

Portsmouth residents can get free stop smoking support from the wellbeing service - visit www. wellbeingp­ortsmouth.co.uk or call 023 9229 4001.

 ?? ?? Our readers were split on the subject of a smoking ban
Our readers were split on the subject of a smoking ban

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