Portsmouth News

‘Rambunctio­us’ seagull rescued after getting stuck in disused chimney flue


A chimney sweep was met with surprise when he “battled” a “rambunctio­us” seagull after it became stuck in a disused chimney flue.

Neil Jarrett, 48, from Gosport filmed the moment a sizeable seagull dropped from a chimney flue before flapping its wings in a panic when it was discovered.

The former Royal Navy sailor received a phone call from a concerned resident after she noticed feathers falling from her unused chimney flue, which he initially suspected might have been a dead animal.

“I said it’s probably weather affects on an old chimney,” the chimney sweep said.

“I asked if there was any movement, but she didn’t hear anything, so it could be old feathers from way back when or it could be a dead bird that’s been dislodged because of the weather."

Neil rescued the trapped bird last Wednesday afternoon and shared a video on Instagram in which he exclaims expletives after noticing the bird’s webbed feet and large wingspan.

”He was a little bit more rambunctio­us than the others, purely because of the size of him,” Mr Jarrett said.

“He had quite a bit of mass and started flapping his wings. He’s got a sizeable wingspan in comparison to a starling and had far more bite power than any of the other birds I’ve rescued, as I’ve discovered.”

The former navy sailor said he had rescued an array of birds, including lots of pigeons, magpies, jackdaws and sparrows, but never a seagull.

“There is no way I was expecting it to be a seagull, to be honest. I thought it might be a young pigeon. This was a first for me,” he explained.

“I tentativel­y pulled down the board and I expected to see clawed feet of a pigeon, but instead I saw the webbed feet of a seagull and its white bottom and under belly, which is why I colourfull­y exclaimed.

“I had to battle with that to get it out. The ungrateful little monkey didn’t like what was happening. It tried to bite me a few times.”

The seagull stood on his hand for around three seconds before flying out of the window, presumably in search for food and water.

Neil continued: “He had probably been in there a couple of days and he was probably quite dehydrated by that stage.

“He started to panic as I was trying to get him, so that created a lot of masonry dust within the flue, which he would have ingested.”

Neil believes the seagull may have landed in the flue as birds are likely to start nesting during this time of year.

“We’re in that nesting season where birds are fledgling youngsters, juveniles are scrabbling around for food off parents, so they do tend to knock each other down and then they’re stretching their wings and figuring out how to do this whole flying thing,” he said.

Neil added that he rescued the bird in Alverstoke in an area which he says contains many houses with tall chimney stacks.

“In the Alverstoke village, there’s a lot of tall chimneys around there and the chimney stacks have got quite a big surface area and there are normally multiples of six or eight pots that emanate out the top of those stacks,” he explained.

Neil, who has worked as a chimney sweep for more than two years, said “no two days are the same” in his job.

“That’s the nice thing about the job. Any chimney sweep will say the same, every day is totally different. No two days are the same,” he said.

He's got a sizeable wingspan in comparison to a starling

 ?? ?? The seagull rescued from a disused chimney flue in Alverstoke
The seagull rescued from a disused chimney flue in Alverstoke
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