Portsmouth News

New advanced Vahana boats to support UK fleet


The last of the 35 Vahana boats which will bolster Royal Navy operations have been constructe­d.

A seven-year programme valued at £48m has come to an end after starting in 2017. The Defence, Equipment & Support (DE&S) team at the Ministry of Defence (MOD) – which awarded the contract – said the boats will be used for diving, surveying and training operations.

The Royal Navy added that the vessels will have mine warfare capabiliti­es and passenger duties, which can include moving personnel from ship to shore on HMS Prince of Wales.

Rosy Copping-bull, project manager for DE&S boats team, said: “We are very pleased to have worked with AEUK to deliver these 35 Vahana workboats over the past seven years. These boats are an essential part of the Royal Navy’s military operations thanks to their improved capability. All 35 vessels will be vital to the security of our nation and will be instrument­al in helping it prosper now, and in the future.”

Vahana boats are part of the Sea-class and have a hull which is interchang­eable, allowing them to be adapted for different tasks. They have the ability to carry differing payloads and have improved speed, operationa­l range and navigation equipment compared to the previous fleet. The first vessel to be constructe­d was HMS Magpie in 2018, with HMS Merlin and Fantome being the final boats to be built.

The new vessels will be replacing boats which were constructe­d in the 1990s and reached the end of their service. Around 60 jobs were sustained throughout the contract under Atlas Elektronik (AEUK).

Wesley Galliver, AEUK head of surface ship systems division, said: “This significan­t milestone is a testament to the hard work and commitment of the whole team over the last seven years.”

All 35 vessels will be vital to the security of our nation

 ?? ?? The final Sea-class boats have been built
The final Sea-class boats have been built
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