Portsmouth News

Pompey closing in on ‘3-4 deals – Hughes Sporting director’s message on new signings


Rich Hughes has reassured the Fratton faithful that Pompey are closing in on new playing additions.

And he insisted ‘34 deals’ are currently in the pipeline as the Championsh­ip kick-off looms.

The Blues have so far signed five new faces this summer, the most recent capture being Sammy Silvera on loan from Middlesbro­ugh.

That was 13 days ago, with Pompey having spent the last week on a training camp in Croatia, with Hughes in attendance.

Nonetheles­s, their sporting director is encouraged by how their pursuit of a number of fresh recruits ons progressin­g.

He told The News: ‘There are a couple of other bits we are working on.

‘In terms of the time frame, it’s very difficult to say, but there are probably 3-4 deals that we feel are well in the pipeline and we’re trying to get done. Various positions.

‘In a nice way, they are all long-standing targets we’ve had an interest in from the back end of last season.

‘We will affect that as and when we can. I couldn't give you a time frame, but we will be looking to bring in players sooner rather than later.

‘There are a lot of different elements in play to it, but we are pleased with the progress, there are consistent conversati­ons.

‘As much as being out here this week has been great with the team and the staff, a lot of my time has been spent on the phone and keeping things moving along, which is great.

‘Everything is progressin­g quite nicely.’

Pompey returned from Croatia yesterday, with their first pre-season friendly scheduled for Gosport next Tuesday, July 16 (7pm).

Yet during their time in Medulin, the recruitmen­t process has continued at pace.

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