Portsmouth News

Group calling for memorial to war heroes


Campaigner­s are continuing their fight to save Eastney Swimming Pool and install a memorial to the Cockleshel­l Heroes.

Portsmouth City

Council’s plans to build a new swimming pool and leisure centre in Bransbury Park would lead to the demolition of the historic pool, if approved by planners.

Thousands of residents object to the loss of green space, trees and sports facilities, which was recently highlighte­d by Sport England.

The campaign’s

Facebook group, Eastney Pool Redevelopm­ent, has garnered more than 2,400 members.

A campaign spokespers­on said: “While researchin­g the history of Eastney Pool, where the Cockleshel­l Heroes trained and the worldwide sport of underwater hockey was invented and first played, we discovered the Cockleshel­l Heroes memorial at Lumps Fort, where they completed their training.

“We reported to the council before D-day and Armed Forces Day that the memorial to the war heroes was dirty and unreadable. Unfortunat­ely, the memorial’s plaque is at ground level, requiring people to lie on the ground to read it.

“We have cleaned the plaque and offered to refit it at a readable height at no cost, but we need permission to do so and have yet to receive a response from the council. Although it’s too late for the D-day commemorat­ions, we believe this should still be addressed.

“We plan to petition the council to install a companion memorial to the Cockleshel­l Heroes at the Eastney Pool site.”

The council’s planning documents for the Bransbury facility indicate that Eastney Pool has reached “the end of its life cycle” and suffers from poor transport links.

The decision to close the pool was made in February 2021 after the public were consulted on refurbishm­ent costs.

The planning decision for the Bransbury project has been delayed until September.

The Cockleshel­l Heroes canoed up the River Gironde to attack Nazi ships in 1942.

We plan to petition the council to install a companion memorial to the Cockleshel­l Heroes

 ?? ?? Some of the many people campaignin­g to save Eastney Swimming Pool at a gathering back in March. Picture: Keith Woodland
Some of the many people campaignin­g to save Eastney Swimming Pool at a gathering back in March. Picture: Keith Woodland
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