Portsmouth News

MOD addresses Aquind’s national security concerns


The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has addressed objections raised by Aquind regarding the handling of national security concerns over the interconne­ctor project.

The Aquind scheme, which proposes laying interconne­ctor cables between Normandy and Portsmouth, has faced complicati­ons after the MOD

expressed “serious national security concerns” back in March.

The former secretary of state for energy and net zero outlined a sensitive process for addressing these concerns.

The proposed process, which the MOD is generally “content” with, allows the ministry to express its concerns confidenti­ally if needed.

If major planning issues arise from these confidenti­al comments, the attorney general can appoint a representa­tive to attend the meeting on Aquind’s behalf.

Both parties can provide further comments before the secretary of state makes a decision, though this process can be modified for fairness or national security reasons.

On May 24, internatio­nal law firm Herbert Smith Freehills wrote an eightpage letter to the MOD on Aquind’s behalf, criticisin­g the process while outlining measures to ensure “procedural fairness and natural justice”.

Aquind also proposed a timescale for the decision process, citing the “already significan­t delay”.

In response, the MOD stated that Aquind’s suggested requiremen­ts for handling confidenti­al representa­tions would likely be contrary to “defence or national security interests”.

The MOD added: “It seems to us that the ordinary principles apply; Aquind bears its own costs.”

In closing, the MOD considered Aquind’s desire to “impose unrealisti­c timetables” as inappropri­ate.

 ?? ?? A Let’s Stop Aquind walking protest against the interconne­ctor project in July 2021
Picture: Sam Stephenson
A Let’s Stop Aquind walking protest against the interconne­ctor project in July 2021 Picture: Sam Stephenson
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