Portsmouth News

It’s a time of changing names and faces


We bid farewell to someone who has often played a big role in the city’s news agenda

Back in the days when The News was an evening newspaper there were few more exciting times of the year than

General Election night.

Reporters would head out to the various counts to capture the drama and speak to the different protagonis­ts before racing back to the office to write up their stories.

Meanwhile, photograph­ers would gather in the darkroom to pore over their negatives and select the defining images of the night.

While this was going on the news editor and sub editor would work with the editor to determine what were the key stories and how best they should be presented.

All of this while the television burbled away in the background revealing all of the shocks on the national scene.

The fact that all of this was going on during hours when everyone would normally be tucked up in bed only added to the thrill of knowing you were capturing a moment in history.

Things are a little different now we are a morning newspaper but it is still a busy time nonetheles­s and one where we feel the responsibi­lity of providing the best possible coverage of the local political scene.

And it’s a time of changing names and faces – some more expected than others.

This time we bid farewell to someone who has often played a big role in the city’s news agenda, but has fallen victim to the changing political winds.

Since her election to Portsmouth North in 2010 Penny Mordaunt has often featured in the local and national news – particular­ly since joining the cabinet as Secretary of State for Defence, and latterly as Leader of The House.

We wish her well in whatever she chooses to do next and thank her for the support and help she has given us.

However, it is always healthy to welcome new people into public office with different experience­s and a fresh perspectiv­e on what is best for


And so we welcome new Portsmouth North MP Amanda Martin and look forward to working with her over the years ahead.

 ?? ?? Newly-elected Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer at No 10
Newly-elected Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer at No 10

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