Portsmouth News

Alan Mak retains Havant for Tories after recount by barely 100 votes


Havant has remained Conservati­ve after a dramatic recount took it down to the wire – with Alan Mak ultimately retaining the seat by less than 100 votes.

Mr Mak, who was elected to the seat in 2015 saw his majority of 21,792 from the 2019 election evaporate and a recount was called in the early hours of yesterday morning.

The seat was finally called for Mr Mak shortly before 4am with 12,986 votes. His challenger, Labour’s Stefanie Harvey received 12,894 votes.

In his victory speech, Mr Mak said: “It is a great honour to be elected to Parliament for the fourth time. I want to thank the residents of the Havant constituen­cy for their continued support.

“I will continue to work hard for the Havant constituen­cy, getting things done, campaignin­g on the things that matter and being an effective voice.”

This was Ms Harvey’s first campaign as a candidate and she said: “I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has been involved here.

“To come within less than 100 votes is phenomenal and for every single person, the volunteers, everyone that has donated to my Crowdfunde­r, I cannot thank you enough.”

Havant Borough Council has been under the control of a coalition led by Labour councillor Phil Munday since May’s local election saw the Conservati­ves slump, losing 17 seats.

Cllr Munday extended an olive branch to Mr Mak following his re-election, and said: “I am looking forward to working with Alan Mak to deliver on what matters to our communitie­s and making life better for people in our borough.

“I’ve no doubt that when he was campaignin­g to become Havant’s MP, residents talked to them about the same problems and opportunit­ies that they raised with me and my colleagues in the run up to the local election in May.

“I will be meeting with Alan Mak as soon as possible so that we can reset the relationsh­ip between the council, residents and our MP and work together positively going forward.”

 ?? Pictures: Mike Cooter ?? Top: Alan Mak gives his victory speech. Below: The candidates on stage as the results for Havant are read out.
Pictures: Mike Cooter Top: Alan Mak gives his victory speech. Below: The candidates on stage as the results for Havant are read out.
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